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Interface needs to be changed

Vignesh Raja

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Well as far as I am concerned, the interface is easy to use, and whether it is boring or not is totally irrelevant. MalwareBytes is not there to entertain you! I would much prefer that developers continually focussed on honing the malware-fighting functionality of the program.

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Changing it would be cool, but honestly it does not matter to me. I'd rather be protected by one of the best anti-malware software programs available than have a pretty interface.

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Maybe it should be change as most other security software vendors have improved the aesthetics of their interface lately .

Also the other month I installed Malwarebytes on my Dad's computer as it was acting strange. My Dad found Malwarebytes on his desktop opened it up and thought it looked a bit suspicious, so he took his computer to the shop to get it removed and when asked what the rogue was, he replied 'Malwarebytes' and was laughed out the shop!


PS It is more or less a year to the day since I started using Malwarebytes, keep up the good work and merry Christmas and a happy new year!

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  • 1 year later...

MalwareBytes is not there to entertain you!

The point is to protect and remove not strike your fancy. :rolleyes:

I didn't ask Malwarebytes to entertain me and fulfill my fantasies. I just gave some feedback.

I have one question for both of you. Why did Microsoft implement Windows Aero UI in Windows? To entertain People? no, it was just to make Windows to look good. What about HTC Sense UI?

It was just my opinion.

Thank You,

Happy new year

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Maybe it should be change as most other security software vendors have improved the aesthetics of their interface lately .

Also the other month I installed Malwarebytes on my Dad's computer as it was acting strange. My Dad found Malwarebytes on his desktop opened it up and thought it looked a bit suspicious, so he took his computer to the shop to get it removed and when asked what the rogue was, he replied 'Malwarebytes' and was laughed out the shop!


PS It is more or less a year to the day since I started using Malwarebytes, keep up the good work and merry Christmas and a happy new year!

Thing is with both examples you provided, they are skins for operating systems. They are not programs... MBAM looks fine as is, it's simple and easy to use. For home use, it's fine because most home users aren't going to want to sort through something that looks complicated. On the corporate side looks don't matter at all, as long as it works they're happy. I use MBAM Pro at home, and I have a Corporate account at work I have no desire to see any major GUI changes...

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