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Hello Everyone!! IT has been my life for many many years now, I am 24 years old and am the IT Director at the local Court/Government offices in my city. Its very stressful at times being so young and running everything that is IT in your corp! My degree is in Computer Network Engineering and I hold several certifications including CCNA, A+, Security+, Network+, MCSA. Actually before my current job I worked part time at Geek Squad while finishing school. I know some will laugh but GeekSquad even though their prices are rediculous I learned a TON of knowledge when it comes to Viruses of ALL kinds! So enough rambling the main point is I think I would be a great addition to the team here and am excited to meet all of you and make new friends that are interested in the same stuff that I am. I would love to sometime be on the "Rogue Hunters" group mainly because in my current job here at the courts we are running 120 clients and someone is ALWAYS getting malware somewhere. I think I could not only help the site with supplying new Malware threats but also Help my Company with new techniques to get rid of them! Thanks for Listening

- Kyle ;)

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Hello Everyone!! IT has been my life for many many years now, I am 24 years old and am the IT Director at the local Court/Government offices in my city. Its very stressful at times being so young and running everything that is IT in your corp! My degree is in Computer Network Engineering and I hold several certifications including CCNA, A+, Security+, Network+, MCSA. Actually before my current job I worked part time at Geek Squad while finishing school. I know some will laugh but GeekSquad even though their prices are rediculous I learned a TON of knowledge when it comes to Viruses of ALL kinds! So enough rambling the main point is I think I would be a great addition to the team here and am excited to meet all of you and make new friends that are interested in the same stuff that I am. I would love to sometime be on the "Rogue Hunters" group mainly because in my current job here at the courts we are running 120 clients and someone is ALWAYS getting malware somewhere. I think I could not only help the site with supplying new Malware threats but also Help my Company with new techniques to get rid of them! Thanks for Listening

- Kyle :)


Cool. :) I wish I was IT.

Perhaps you can be of assistance to our team in other ways. Perhaps you can be an expert here (are you good with HijackThis Logs?) or otherwise maybe a Trusted Advisor if you go to one of these schools.

I am looking forward to making friends with you and I hope you enjoy your time at MBAM forums!

How do you feel about the program Malwarebytes Anti-Malware?

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Cool. :) I wish I was IT.

Perhaps you can be of assistance to our team in other ways. Perhaps you can be an expert here (are you good with HijackThis Logs?) or otherwise maybe a Trusted Advisor if you go to one of these schools.

I am looking forward to making friends with you and I hope you enjoy your time at MBAM forums!

How do you feel about the program Malwarebytes Anti-Malware?

The program MalwareBytes is the reason why I signed up on these forums. Just the fact that there is a program out there soooo good at what it does and all the hard work people put in to it updating the definitions and the fact that it is free so that people do not have to go to places like "Geek Squad" everytime they are afraid they are infected is AMAZING!! It is the very first tool I use when approached with an infection, and ALMOST ALWAYS THE LAST!

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I would love to sometime be on the "Rogue Hunters" group mainly because in my current job here at the courts we are running 120 clients and someone is ALWAYS getting malware somewhere.


That should supply you with plenty of malware and rogues to upload. The more you upload, the greater your chances will be of getting into the Malware Hunters group. The Rogue Reporters group is more difficult, if not impossible to get into because I do not think members are being recruited anymore.

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