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Installation Switches

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Is there a way to install MBAM via command line or using switches? I need to have this install remotely to client PCs in order to conduct a scan on them and then will remove it once complete.

If special licensing is required please let me know as I currently have a paid license but if I need to get a corporate license then I will look in to that.


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As a licensed corporate user, technician, reseller, affiliate or non-profit user you have access to the corporate helpdesk, contact them via the email address below.


They will assist you in this matter. Please provide your corporate license information when requesting help.

Please add the domains malwarebytes.org and salesforce.com to any spam filters or junk mail exclusion features in your email client to assure our replies get to you. Thank you

If you need a techinicans license they will let you know.

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