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Future MBAM suggestion

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I'd really like to see an administrator option to have MBAM automatically clean the computer. It would be nice to have it as an option, even if it means clicking several "Are you really sure you want it to do this?" type boxes.

I have over 200 computers I have to babysit which means I don't have the time to run a scan on all of them and click the button remove them after the scan.

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I fail to see what is so difficult to understand, the concept is very simple.

He is a type of network administrator/technician who is running scans on approximately 200+ computers.

Having to manually go from one computer to the next to start the scan

Upon completion you have to manually go through and click to remove anything, if found, and then close the application.

This is extremely time consuming for network technicians.

Look at CCleaner. It has a /AUTO switch which allows the program to run and clean your drive automatically, even an optional setting to close the program when complete.

What Greg is asking for is similar to that. A type of automation to run the scans, remove/quarantine the malware, generate the log and then close the program. It's very simple. :angry:

Nice suggestion, Greg!

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  • Root Admin

Yes, but allowing a home user to clean his/her system for free (and currently even Corporate business, manually) is one thing, but to provide a command line tool or automated feature as such to clean hundreds or even thousands of computers for free is sort of like shooting yourself in the foot. This is not an Open Source project and I'm not saying not to do it, but financially I don't see how Marcin would benefit from creating such an option in the Free version.

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MBAM free will NEVER get this option for obvious reasons . MBAM is already one of the best tools for people to illegally use , no reason to make it even more tempting and very dangerous at the same time . There is a slim chance that MBAM pro and slightly better that MBAM corp will have this option , but still not likely .

I have over 200 computers I have to babysit which means I don't have the time to run a scan on all of them and click the button remove them after the scan.

So , was that a thanks for the great software (that you purchased a tech licence to use) or accidentally admitting illegal commercial use of the free version of MBAM ?

For those who are wondering there is a licence that is just for techs/help desks that covers unlimited use of MBAM to clean an unlimited number of computers for one year per one tech/help desk .

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So , was that a thanks for the great software (that you purchased a tech licence to use) or accidentally admitting illegal commercial use of the free version of MBAM ?

For those who are wondering there is a licence that is just for techs/help desks that covers unlimited use of MBAM to clean an unlimited number of computers for one year per one tech/help desk .

It would be wise to update this page with more information about those restrictions. Even the online store and EULA don't tell much about a tech license. In fact, I never knew about a tech license until I read your post since the store doesn't list anything about it either. :angry:

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It would be wise to update this page with more information about those restrictions. Even the online store and EULA don't tell much about a tech license. In fact, I never knew about a tech license until I read your post since the store doesn't list anything about it either. :angry:

I agree.

Do Marcin/nosirrah also feel that techs/consultants/businesses that service customers computers (not the businesses personal systems on the private lan) in their office and/or on-site should purchase a "tech license". If the customers machine is used at home, in a non-business environment, then the free version of MBAM and another other "free for home use" software should abide by the EULA.

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I agree.

Do Marcin/nosirrah also feel that techs/consultants/businesses that service customers computers (not the businesses personal systems on the private lan) in their office and/or on-site should purchase a "tech license". If the customers machine is used at home, in a non-business environment, then the free version of MBAM and another other "free for home use" software should abide by the EULA.

That's not what is going on here. The 200 machines are not at home.

I fail to see what is so difficult to understand, the concept is very simple.

He is a type of network administrator/technician who is running scans on approximately 200+ computers.

Having to manually go from one computer to the next to start the scan

Upon completion you have to manually go through and click to remove anything, if found, and then close the application.

This is extremely time consuming for network technicians

The concept is he wants auto clean, yet says he would rather approve every pop up window asking if it should clean. They aren't the same thing. I know what's going on and I know it would take time. That wasn't what he said.

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What I was asking for was pretty simple. I sent a private email asking about this feature but was told that it wasn't an option because they wanted people to be absolutely sure about the changes MBAM was about to make before clicking the remove button...I'll take the chance and have faith in the developers just like most people do in any kind of malware software. My reference to the "are you sure" feature was just asking for any kind of chance to put in an auto-clean function after a scan, because if it isn't even in the future from MBAM then I'm spending my cash somewhere else so I'll ignore the post accusing me of installing it on every computer I have. I'm also saying on the initial setup I'd rather click through several windows saying I want it to auto-clean for future scans, than seek another anti-malware company that decided to "live on the edge" and give the user the option to auto-clean on a scan. I'm basically telling the developers I'd rather click through 10 windows just to get to an auto-clean on all future scans that have to look to another company to fit my needs.

I got a quote for a license for the school campus,however I'm not dropping a dime because it is way too time consuming to manually remove infections from computers on my campus...so I'm looking elsewhere. What sucks is that I think MBAM is the best tool out there for removing malware, but not the best tool if you want to run it on a network.

It all depends on what audience you are trying to reach with software, a home user or a network admin..

If you bought anti-virus software for campus with over 200 computers, would you get one that you have to go to every single computer or get a program that allows for remote installs, auto-cleans, and configuration templates?

I hope this makes it at least a little more clear on the intent of my original post.

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I agree.

Do Marcin/nosirrah also feel that techs/consultants/businesses that service customers computers (not the businesses personal systems on the private lan) in their office and/or on-site should purchase a "tech license". If the customers machine is used at home, in a non-business environment, then the free version of MBAM and another other "free for home use" software should abide by the EULA.

When I was a tech (7 years) I spent between $100 and $400 a year on software I could have either used for free or cracked , but I guess that is not as common as I thought .

If you use MBAM to make $ for yourself and have not purchased a licence then you are in legal violation .

If we have to reword the EULA to say exactly this then that might be what we have to do .

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What I was asking for was pretty simple. I sent a private email asking about this feature but was told that it wasn't an option because they wanted people to be absolutely sure about the changes MBAM was about to make before clicking the remove button...I'll take the chance and have faith in the developers just like most people do in any kind of malware software. My reference to the "are you sure" feature was just asking for any kind of chance to put in an auto-clean function after a scan, because if it isn't even in the future from MBAM then I'm spending my cash somewhere else so I'll ignore the post accusing me of installing it on every computer I have. I'm also saying on the initial setup I'd rather click through several windows saying I want it to auto-clean for future scans, than seek another anti-malware company that decided to "live on the edge" and give the user the option to auto-clean on a scan. I'm basically telling the developers I'd rather click through 10 windows just to get to an auto-clean on all future scans that have to look to another company to fit my needs.

I got a quote for a license for the school campus,however I'm not dropping a dime because it is way too time consuming to manually remove infections from computers on my campus...so I'm looking elsewhere. What sucks is that I think MBAM is the best tool out there for removing malware, but not the best tool if you want to run it on a network.

It all depends on what audience you are trying to reach with software, a home user or a network admin..

If you bought anti-virus software for campus with over 200 computers, would you get one that you have to go to every single computer or get a program that allows for remote installs, auto-cleans, and configuration templates?

I hope this makes it at least a little more clear on the intent of my original post.

Correct , MBAM free is not MBAM corp and I am confused as to why you would want it to be . When MBAM corp comes out (late 08/early 09) it will not be MBAM free .

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I think that you would find that combining MBAM pro with an AV that we recommend that you would not be cleaning up much of anything ever .

For example MBAM pro + Antivir retail would protect your systems far better than anything you have ever likely tried before .

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My dilemma is that this is my first year as a tech on this school, that went the entire time with absolutely no malware protection at all for several years, and by the time I get a call to help them it is to the point where they have at least 150+ infections, and alot of the downloaders that just go crazy on the PC. This combined with the user's lack of knowledge of how malware spreads itself put the machines at even a greater risk for infection. If could devote my entire time with just cleaning the network that would be great, unfortunately I've other duties :angry:

I'll probably just wind up getting MBAM corporate version, or whatever is needed to cover the number of seats that I have and just tackle the problem on a case by case basis until the summer when I have the time to layout a game plan to get the network back into shape and locked down where users can't do that much damage. I think remote desktop connection, pc anywhere, etc., will help me out with cleaning once I get it installed on the workstations.

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If you use MBAM to make $ for yourself and have not purchased a licence then you are in legal violation .

If we have to reword the EULA to say exactly this then that might be what we have to do .

What kind of license are you referring to....tech or (paid) single user? What is the cost for a tech license? FWIW I have several paid (single user) copies of MBAM.

Please explain the difference between a home user installing MBAM and a consultant or business installing/reinstalling it for them. I for one do not charge customers for free software, but they are charged labor for me to perform various tasks (eg. remove malware).

nosirrah, let's say you have a guy in your neighborhood who has head about MBAM but is too computer illiterate to install it. You try to email him directions and he screws something up. He offers to pay you $10 for your time to come over and install it for him. According to your train of thought this would violate the (free) MBAM EULA, correct?

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Kid making some extra $ cleaning up neighborhood PCs with MBAM while in vilation , is not the end of the world and we obviosly would not put the screws to him .

If you are an IT professional using MBAM to do part of your job then obviously you or your company should purchase a tech licence . A good tech on his own could clear 50K so $100 is nothing .

The line "charging for labor" is total BS as you are not doing the labor , MBAM (or whatever scanner you are using) is . You buy the right to charge for labor when you buy a tech licence (most scanners that have a free scan and remove version have a provision for using their scanner as a tool) .

Charging for labor is when you take a look at what is running and what is set to run and then remove what you determine to be malware through your own experience and research . We have done that labor for you and should be compensated when you financially benefits from it .

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Kid making some extra $ cleaning up neighborhood PCs with MBAM while in vilation , is not the end of the world and we obviosly would not put the screws to him .

If you are an IT professional using MBAM to do part of your job then obviously you or your company should purchase a tech licence . A good tech on his own could clear 50K so $100 is nothing .

The line "charging for labor" is total BS as you are not doing the labor , MBAM (or whatever scanner you are using) is . You buy the right to charge for labor when you buy a tech licence (most scanners that have a free scan and remove version have a provision for using their scanner as a tool) .

Charging for labor is when you take a look at what is running and what is set to run and then remove what you determine to be malware through your own experience and research. We have done that labor for you and should be compensated when you financially benefits from it .

So in your opinion if a home user already has MBAM installed which is freezing up during a scan/removal, and they call a tech to come on-site, the tech is supposed to already have a MBAM tech license in order to charge for labor IF they touch MBAM?

If I do not have a tech license, and I sell the customer MBAM paid, am I still in violation if I charge the customer to clean up his system using MBAM?

SUPERAntiSpyware (and possibly other freeware anti-malware apps) do not appear to have these limitations.

Whatever the outcome I have no problem sending you guys $100 for a lifetime tech license (or w/e the cost may be) seeing how I clear that on a single on-site (malware-related) service call.

Edit: I just noticed that according to your post above it appears that tech licenses are only good for one year.

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My dilemma is that this is my first year as a tech on this school, that went the entire time with absolutely no malware protection at all for several years, and by the time I get a call to help them it is to the point where they have at least 150+ infections, and alot of the downloaders that just go crazy on the PC. This combined with the user's lack of knowledge of how malware spreads itself put the machines at even a greater risk for infection. If could devote my entire time with just cleaning the network that would be great, unfortunately I've other duties :angry:

I'll probably just wind up getting MBAM corporate version, or whatever is needed to cover the number of seats that I have and just tackle the problem on a case by case basis until the summer when I have the time to layout a game plan to get the network back into shape and locked down where users can't do that much damage. I think remote desktop connection, pc anywhere, etc., will help me out with cleaning once I get it installed on the workstations.

Greg would reformatting them be an option? Then you start fresh with no infections. I feel your pain, schools are one of the worst for not being secured. Ask Julie Amero.

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  • Root Admin


If you spend a little time learning to script it will really pay off for doing all of this type of work. That's what remote admin scripting is all about. You run scripts that do all the work for you.

Take a look at this site and spend a little time reading and practicing and soon you'll find it's quite easy to manage so many systems.


Very easy program to learn.

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My dilemma is that this is my first year as a tech on this school, that went the entire time with absolutely no malware protection at all for several years, and by the time I get a call to help them it is to the point where they have at least 150+ infections, and alot of the downloaders that just go crazy on the PC. This combined with the user's lack of knowledge of how malware spreads itself put the machines at even a greater risk for infection. If could devote my entire time with just cleaning the network that would be great, unfortunately I've other duties :angry:

I'll probably just wind up getting MBAM corporate version, or whatever is needed to cover the number of seats that I have and just tackle the problem on a case by case basis until the summer when I have the time to layout a game plan to get the network back into shape and locked down where users can't do that much damage. I think remote desktop connection, pc anywhere, etc., will help me out with cleaning once I get it installed on the workstations.

Why are students using admin or power user accounts? Set them on a limited account w/ a software restriction policy. Otherwise look into Returnil or Deep Freeze. Anything else is going to require too much of your time and resources.

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