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Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware 1.46 Review

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PC MAG. COM review Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware 1.46

Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware 1.46: The Verdict

I can see why tech support agents from other vendors like to bring in Malwarebytes when they need a quick fix. It's a small download, it installs quickly, its scanner is fast, and it seems to slip past malware that prevents installation of security software. It doesn't do equally well against all malware categories, though, and the extra-cost real-time protection isn't as effective as the on-demand scanner. Even so, the free edition should definitely be in your toolbox.

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PC MAG. COM review Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware 1.46

Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware 1.46: The Verdict

I can see why tech support agents from other vendors like to bring in Malwarebytes when they need a quick fix. It's a small download, it installs quickly, its scanner is fast, and it seems to slip past malware that prevents installation of security software. It doesn't do equally well against all malware categories, though, and the extra-cost real-time protection isn't as effective as the on-demand scanner. Even so, the free edition should definitely be in your toolbox.

I definately have to disagree with you on your extra-cost real-time protection not being as effective as the on-demand scanner statement. For one thing $25 for a lifetime subscription is pretty darn cheap in my opinion. And...keeping these infections from getting in so you don't have to deal with them later is kinda of a no brainer don't you think?

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All PC MAG. COM reviews are driven by how much is spent on advertising in its magazine.

Norton spends a lot so it is is rated favorably.

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I use CYBER DEFENDER's software. Was having some lock-up probs and the Cyber support guys - in India - got on the phone with me. After much figgling and diggling, turns out the prob was THEIR SOFTWARE !! Anyway, got a brand new, as yet unreleased, version and that prob was cured.

The second thing the Cyber guy did was download the free version of Malware and remove the 692 accumulated infections. Since I do not free-load, I then bought the full version. Computer now runs great and I'm happy with both Cyber and Malware.

To YoKenny's point. I'm more of a gun guy than a computer guy. In the gun rag bidness your gun could be 6 inches of half inch water pipe and a clothes pin for the actuator and a 'skilled operator' would be able to hit 'distant' targets with ease. Now you would need about two full pages of advertising to make that happen of course.

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Cyber Defender is snake oil in my opinion, please read these links:

** http://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?s...st&p=162424

** http://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?s...st&p=163137

Edit: More CyberDefender links, from our very own MysteryFCM's blog:






And to the OP;

Mbam has saved my butt with the IP blocking feature several times :) The support is excellent, the lifetime home user license for the low-price of 24.95 is great, and it is more than worth it to have the paid protection. I don't understand why that site gave it that sort of a review, but I give it 5 stars and then some :) And I know I am not the only one :)

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