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Just For Laughs


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Boss is walking by the secretarial pool one day and notices one blond has on a pair of latex gloves and is typing away at the computer. He walks over and ask her why she is wearing latex gloves and she replies, I heard there was a bad computer virus going around and I don't want to catch it!


Dumb Blonds will high blood pressure.

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Funny joke :)

BUT not such a bad idea perhaps! Computer keyboards are meant to be about the buggiest things one comes in contact with apparently (according to my esteemed microbiology prof). Right up there with the handles of supermarket trollies. Nasty stuff! :)

The public telephone! How many times have you had to clean earwax out of the receiver so you could hear?? When I used to work and before we had cheap cellphones or company radios I used to carry a can of Lysol to spray on phones before answering my beeper.. (Now that I've had cellphones for years, all I have to clean out is my wife's makeup.. on the screen; in the earpiece) :)


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Funny joke :)

BUT not such a bad idea perhaps! Computer keyboards are meant to be about the buggiest things one comes in contact with apparently (according to my esteemed microbiology prof). Right up there with the handles of supermarket trollies. Nasty stuff! :)

This stuff is unbeatable at cleaning keyboards, phones, electronics, etc.


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BUT not such a bad idea perhaps! Computer keyboards are meant to be about the buggiest things one comes in contact with apparently (according to my esteemed microbiology prof). Right up there with the handles of supermarket trollies. Nasty stuff

Money is about the worst item to handle - Most tellers that handle cash now wash with disinfectant four or more times every day -

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