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Error updating 732 (0, 0)

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Hi snagel -

Error code '732' relates to the fact that you were not fully connected to the internet at the time you tried to update - Please follow the link below from FAQ area -


If you have had any infections they can alter your settings-

Thank You - :welcome:


Please add further if this will not solve your problem - :)

Current version is - 1.43 / Version 3485 -

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Hi snagel -

Error code '732' relates to the fact that you were not fully connected to the internet at the time you tried to update - Please follow the link below from FAQ area -


If you have had any infections they can alter your settings-

Thank You - :welcome:


Please add further if this will not solve your problem - :)

Current version is - 1.43 / Version 3485 -

Tried the recommendation above. It did NOT work. I tried it a couple more times. Each time I then shut down the computer and tried the update process again. It did not work.

Any other recommendations would be greatly appreciated

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Tried the recommendation above. It did NOT work. I tried it a couple more times. Each time I then shut down the computer and tried the update process again. It did not work.

Any other recommendations would be greatly appreciated

My current version is 1.42

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Sorry snagel -

That is why I added the current version - New 1.43 was added prior to Christmas - This means that you have not updated for at least week or so -

Do you know if you do actually have full internet connection , plus are you on dialup or broadband -

If you are in northern US or some parts of Europe then telephone lines have been causing problems with the onset of snow etc. -

You need to ensure you do have 100% internet as any break in connection will cause you to need to restart the updates -

Thank you - :welcome:

EDIT - I hope you can get a new version via exile360's directions -

Especially a new download as this will at least give you 1.43 -

Or scroll down and follow item #7 at this link to fully clean out your old versiom them get a new version -


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