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Paid Version vs. Free, How do I tell if I downloaded 1 of 5 paid

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I purchased 5 paid license for paid version. Several people in office. I can't tell which computers have downloaded paid version and which license/id's have been used. Also, will the paid version catch spyware as it tries to come in or does i still have to tell it to scan and then remove spyware. The problem i have now with free version is that antivirus pro spyware has come onto a laptop and now malwarebytes can't remove because we can't get to anything such as task manager, safe mode, internet, etc.

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Open Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware on each computer, and look at the 'About' tab. If Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware is registered, then it will have the ID and Key listed on the 'About' page. If you need to register one or more copies, the 'Register' button is on the 'Protection' tab, and all you need to do is enter a seperate ID and Key for each computer you need to register Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware on.

The paid version, when properly registered, will be automatically set to start the protection module when your computer starts up. This means that it will monitor in real-time, and not only try to block malicious items from running, but also try to block each computer from connecting to malicious IP addresses on the Internet.

For the computer that is infected, I recommend start off with something like the Avira AntiVir Rescue System or Dr.Web CureIt, both of which allow you to create a bootable CD where you can run anti-virus scans.

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Sorry, i think no.


I'm afraid it is a violation of the license agreement from Avira, and if it violates the license agreement of even one of the softwares that it bundles, then you cannot link to it on our forums. Please see the following exert from the EULA found on the Avira AntiVir Rescue CD, which is the same EULA that they use for their free software.

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Thanks for the information on the paid vs. free how to tell if installed.

I'm afraid it is a violation of the license agreement from Avira, and if it violates the license agreement of even one of the softwares that it bundles, then you cannot link to it on our forums. Please see the following exert from the EULA found on the Avira AntiVir Rescue CD, which is the same EULA that they use for their free software.

Please refer to the full license terms at this link for more.

I have deleted your post, as it contains a link to copyrighted material being used in violation of it's license agreement. Please make sure that you verify that software you are posting links to, or are recommending, is legal in the United States of America. :D

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  • 1 month later...

Dear GT500,

My software is legal and don't violates rules EULA. If my software violates them, also violates them Bart's PE's, winbuilder and all scripts use.

My software doesn't change or modify or edit any file, does no reverse engineering, don't download or distributes nothing illegal. My software copy only all files in a folder and make a file cfg with the path for boot.

If you want i send you the sources. :)

Davide Costa

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Dear GT500,

My software is legal and don't violates rules EULA. If my software violates them, also violates them Bart's PE's, winbuilder and all scripts use.

My software doesn't change or modify or edit any file, does no reverse engineering, don't download or distributes nothing illegal. My software copy only all files in a folder and make a file cfg with the path for boot.

If you want i send you the sources. :)

Davide Costa

It should be easy to get someone on the Avira forums to confirm this then .

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Dear GT500,

My software is legal and don't violates rules EULA. If my software violates them, also violates them Bart's PE's, winbuilder and all scripts use.

My software doesn't change or modify or edit any file, does no reverse engineering, don't download or distributes nothing illegal. My software copy only all files in a folder and make a file cfg with the path for boot.

If you want i send you the sources. :)

Davide Costa

Re-read the EULA. It's a clear violation.

  • "The Licensee is not authorised..." "...create other reproductions of the Software or the documentation, either wholly or in part, on the same or on other disks/carrier media" (Paragraph 5.a)
  • "The Licensee is not authorised..." "...to change, translate, retro-develop, decompile or disassemble the Software, or to create works derived from the Software or the documentation, or to reproduce, translate, change or create works derived from the documentation" (Paragraph 5.c)
  • "The Licensee is not authorised..." "...to transfer the Software to third parties or to provide access to the Software in any other form" (Paragraph 5.e)

Unless you get written permission from someone at Avira to do what you are doing, then your software is illegal (at least in the USA, which is where we are based, and where our servers are).

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Re-read the EULA. It's a clear violation.

  • "The Licensee is not authorised..." "...create other reproductions of the Software or the documentation, either wholly or in part, on the same or on other disks/carrier media" (Paragraph 5.a)
  • "The Licensee is not authorised..." "...to change, translate, retro-develop, decompile or disassemble the Software, or to create works derived from the Software or the documentation, or to reproduce, translate, change or create works derived from the documentation" (Paragraph 5.c)
  • "The Licensee is not authorised..." "...to transfer the Software to third parties or to provide access to the Software in any other form" (Paragraph 5.e)

Unless you get written permission from someone at Avira to do what you are doing, then your software is illegal (at least in the USA, which is where we are based, and where our servers are).

My software isn't a derived, don't transfer the Software to third parties etc etc. This eula is the some for all software. The script for put avira in the Windows PE are illegal? NO. That script download and modify all file of configuration, my software nothing.

I've write an email to avira a month ago...they have not answered to me

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  • 2 months later...

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