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Detect and prevent antivir rogue?

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Does MBAM paid detect and prevent infection of antivir? I have a friend who got it on his computer and is going to use MBAM to clean it today.

If he was running MBAM in real time would it have prevented the infection? Thanks.

I have been using it on demand, but just purchases it and intend to run it alongside FS IS. Evidently AVs don't detect this rogue. He was using Norton, and even a scan did not pick it up.



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Many thanks for the great help. I have no doubt that MBAM is at the top of the list at handling malware not picked up by AVs.

I purchased it today for one computer. I was thinking MBAM once had a lifetime license. I did not see such an option or a price break for a second computer license.

I am running FSIS and Avira Premium on my desk top and laptop respectively. On my laptop I am also running SAS Pro,but understand that are conflicts between SAS and Avira. I may move my new MBAM license to the laptop, and use SAS pro with FSIS.

I had not been concerned to run an anti-malware application alongside my AV, but used them for on-demand scans. However, since my friend using Norton got infected with the antivir rogue, I have reconsidered and think it is better to run either MBAM or SAS real time also.

Nosirrah, I seem to remember you began with Castle Cops forum, but not sure. That was awhile ago. Obviously you are doing great. Keep it up, and all have a Blessed Christmas.



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Hi again JerryM -

As you can read from above (in exile360s' signature) he has both SAS Pro and MBAM Pro - I think you can run both of these together -

However if you do have 2 computers then you cuold very safely run one on the laptop and the other on your desktop (just to cover both) -

Thank you - ^_^ - As always post back if you have other questions -

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Hi again JerryM -

As you can read from above (in exile360s' signature) he has both SAS Pro and MBAM Pro - I think you can run both of these together -

However if you do have 2 computers then you cuold very safely run one on the laptop and the other on your desktop (just to cover both) -

Thank you - ^_^ - As always post back if you have other questions -

Many thanks, noknojon. The big potential problem involved conflicts between SAS Pro and Avira both running. So far, since I made a clean install of SAS Pro today all has been well. I have two lifetime licenses for SAS Pro.

I really do appreciate the timely and great help and advice.

Your Avatar is cute.



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Nosirrah, I seem to remember you began with Castle Cops forum, but not sure. That was awhile ago. Obviously you are doing great. Keep it up, and all have a Blessed Christmas.

Yes , that is me . I have fond memories of CastleCops and it was without question the first step on the path to where I am now .

I hope you have a great Christmas as well ;)

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