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Mapped Drive Scan

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  • Root Admin

This post is for demonstration purposes to show that mapped drives can and will be scanned if selected from a Full Scan.

In this case I've selected to scan drive T: which is mapped to a remote Server 2003 system.

That said though... using an actual resident MBAM scanner or Anti-Virus scanner would be much more capable of removing an infection. Removing a file remotely may not be possible due to file locking and other issues that cannot be overcome remotely. There would also be no registry reading of the remote computer which often ties into or helps to point to a load point for an infection. Again, using resident AV / AM would be the preferred method of scanning and removal.


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That said though... using an actual resident MBAM scanner or Anti-Virus scanner would be much more capable of removing an infection. Removing a file remotely may not be possible due to file locking and other issues that cannot be overcome remotely. There would also be no registry reading of the remote computer which often ties into or helps to point to a load point for an infection. Again, using resident AV / AM would be the preferred method of scanning and removal.

Let me go a step further here, and say that it is almost pointless to scan a network drive from MBAM. Yes, what I am about to say is posted in various other threads on this forum, but I believe that it needs repeating here, so that everyone understands that it applies to network drives as much as anything else. MBAM will not be able to use it's DDA (Direct Disk Access) driver, it will not be able to use it's DOR (Delete On Reboot) driver, and as Ron mentioned it will not have access to the registry. Since registry access at the very least, and often even the DDA driver, are required for proper detection of more than two-thirds of the malicious items MBAM is capable of detecting, then you must have MBAM installed properly on the computer you wish to scan. If you do not, then the detection rate of MBAM will be considerably lower, and it may skip over items that it would normally have detected.

Home Users: The ability to scan for and remove malware is free for you guys and gals, so you shouldn't ever have a situation where you need to scan a network drive. If you have a situation where you cannot access a computer easily, and need a way to remotely scan it, then please use Remote Desktop, VNC, etc. in order to remotely access the computer's desktop and start the scan. Note that, if you purchased a license, and have the protection module activated, then Remote Desktop will cause an error in the protection module, and in that case I would recommend VNC (Ron typically recommends Dame Ware, and for this application DameWare Mini Remote Control should work fine) instead of Remote Desktop. ^_^

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