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Can somebody please tell me the differences between "FastReply" and the other two options, "Addreply" and "Reply" and their intended uses?

Nothing happens when I click on FastReply; no new screen, no message of any sort, no "Permission denied" page - absolutely nothing, apart from Windows appearing to recognize that the link's been clicked on.

[Vista Business 32-bit system user].

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Hi Marcus ;)

FastReply (my personal favorite :D ) opens a drop down in the same window without having to load a new page and lets you quickly respond to a topic, however it doesn't offer all of the extended formatting options or ability to attach items to your post.

If you want more options or add an attachment then you'll want to use AddReply.

"Reply allows you to quote the post that you click that button on so that you may address that post directly in your response. It is handy when continuing a conversation when others have jumped in with other posts and information not directly related to what was posted before and you wish to jump back to either respond or add additional info. It's a bad idea to use this when unnecessary though as it uses up a lot of space if you quote a large post without removing the unnecessary stuff (this is especially true when responding to posts containing large sets of instructions or logs).

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You're welcome ;)

By the way, there's also two Edit buttons at the bottom of your own posts: Quick Edit and Full Edit, the quick offers fewer formatting options vs the full option.

Nothing happens when I click on FastReply; no new screen, no message of any sort, no "Permission denied" page - absolutely nothing, apart from Windows appearing to recognize that the link's been clicked on.
As for your issue (which I never actually addressed :D ), I've had it happen before but it seems to correct itself eventually although I'm not sure of the exact cause.
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You know, noknojon, I now think that may well explain at least some of those "non-appearing" occasions for me. :D

"...I now solemnly pronounce you upgraded to six "blue squares" on the house and confer the title Forum Deity upon you" :(

[if only I had that power for a day I could have an awful lot of fun and create a fair bit of chaos with that - :):):D]

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