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SpywareBlaster and SuperAntiSpyware


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I use Avira Security Suite for my realtime protection and MBAM for on-demand scans and Firefox with NoScripts for browsing.

I am wondering if SpywareBlaster or SAS (on-demand scans) would add any benefit to what I already use. Or, would this just be overkill?

Are there any other security apps that would add benefit?

Your help in sorting this out will be appreciated.

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SpywareBlaster is non-intrusive protection and just adds CLSIDs to the browser to prevent the known malware from executing.

Discussing CLSIDs is a major process that I do not want to get into.

SAS is a malware scanner and has resident protection like MBAM.

WinPatrol is a Security Manager and works well with MBAM and Avira Security Suite.

WinPatrol Free vs PLUS:


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You might also consider, if you are able to and if you are able to afford it, purchasing Malwarebytes for real-time protection against online threats not covered by AV so that they don't even have a chance to get into your system :)

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Thanks for the suggestion.

I have considered using MBAM real-time protection. I use Avira Security Suite and have been advised by the Avira forum to only use one real-time application in order to avoid conflicts.

They even advise to disable the Avira real-time protection when you do an on-demand scan with MBAM because Avira may interfere with MBAM cleaning malware that it finds. In fact, I found this to be the case when I did an on-demand scan with MBAM. During the scan process, Avira popped up identifying spyware. It seemed that the very act of MBAM scanning files stimulated Avira to identify the files. Some of the files were identified by both and some only by Avira. Avira had at least one false positive.

So, I am dubious in regard to proceeding with two real-time protection.

Have you found Avira and MBAM real-time compatible?

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Because of the way that AV's work (Avira included), it will scan files when they are accessed by other programs, meaning that when you run an on-demand scan with any other tool (or even when you browser a folder or defrag your hard drive) Avira will scan the files being accessed. It's unavoidable but because of MBAM's design it does not create conflicts. MBAM only intercepts what executes in memory in realtime, meaning it has already been scanned by your AV because your AV scans it on access (meaning also as soon as it's downloaded), so if both would be able to detect it, Avira would catch it first, allow you to quarantine or delete it, and MBAM would never even detect the file because it was never executed.

The same goes for the scanner. If you're running an MBAM scan and both Avira and MBAM make a detection on the same file, you simply have one ignore the detection and the other remove it. It's easy and it works. I know many here (and I mean many) who use Avira in realtime with MBAM and none of them have ever reported any conflicts whatsoever. Remember, Avira is the AV most frequently recommended around here, including by the Malwarebytes' staff, both because of its effectiveness/high detection rates and the fact that it's free.

Avira, and all other AV companies, always tell you not to run more than one program in realtime because they fear there might be a possibility of conflicts, but you must remember that Avira staff and forum members are experts on Avira, not MBAM. I know how MBAM works and I know how AV's work and MBAM is designed specifically not to conflict with any AV software in realtime.

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I just wanted to say that I back up what Exile just said to you in his last post and he is 100% correct :(

I don't have Avira on my system but I have had it installed on two computers (one I installed myself, the other I instructed her on installing it) and Mbam free has been used on both systems, no issues between the two at all ;)

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Thank you so much for this explanation. This makes sense to me. Just have a few more questions if you don't mind.

If I use MBAM real-time along with Avira, will it slow my system down any or slow my internet down. I have dialup internet so it is pretty slow already.

If I use MBAM realtime protection and Avira realtime, is it still desirable to do on-demand scans with MBAM and Avira occassionally. If so, how often?

I notice that you have SAS Pro listed as you software. Do you use both MBAM realtime and SAS realtime together?

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Thank you so much for this explanation. This makes sense to me. Just have a few more questions if you don't mind.

You're welcome :(
If I use MBAM real-time along with Avira, will it slow my system down any or slow my internet down. I have dialup internet so it is pretty slow already.
It shouldn't, no.
If I use MBAM realtime protection and Avira realtime, is it still desirable to do on-demand scans with MBAM and Avira occassionally. If so, how often?
Yes, I'd say once every week for an MBAM Quick Scan, and once every month for an Avira Full Scan.
I notice that you have SAS Pro listed as you software. Do you use both MBAM realtime and SAS realtime together?
Yes, I use them happily together, but I'll admit it's pretty redundant. I'm sure before too long I'll grow weary of waiting for SAS to fully support x64 and just get rid of it. In my opinion MBAM is much more effective anyway and that's what I always recommend to my friends and family members. Most of them are running either Kaspersky Antivirus or Internet Security with MBAM in realtime or Avira Free or Premium with MBAM in realtime and I've had no reports of problems. In fact, one friend whose PC's I repaired for him purchased 3 licenses for Avira and 3 licenses for MBAM so he could use this configuration on all of his computers. He's had both running together for close to a year now and has reported no issues at all. He says he loves the combination and high detection rates they provide together :( .
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I just downgraded SAS Pro to SAS free version after I found my AVira Premium conflict with SAS Pro.

This is the first time I have ever heard of SAS conflicting with an antivirus - :(

The free version runs a similar program to the paid version so you may not have a problen -

You could have allowed SAS to be run with your antivirus via exclusions in your A/V - We have some similar problems with Malwarebytes at times -

There is a section here to show how to exclude Anti malware programs from anti virus if you wish to look - ;)

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