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Windows 7 and UAC, restarting

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Besides disabling UAC or making the notification bar go down (in Windows 7). is there a workaround or way to install MBAM so that everytime I restart my PC the UAC doesnt come on? Thanks!

UAC will always ask when something wants to make changes, so you can safely answer "OK". I have Win7 also, and the full version of MalwareBytes, and I don't get that UAC warning when I boot up. I get it on other things (like when installing MBAM updates), but not on booting up. As to how to stop it, I think the only way is to turn off the UAC completely, or you can try turning it down a notch. Go to the Control Panel and click the top link in the "User Account Security" section (it might be called something else, but I think I'm close) and try different settings. Unfortunately, UAC does not have an exceptions list (I wish it did!!) so it will always flag certain things.

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