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Keep getting Trojan allert Windows Mail\wab.exe

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I keep getting this Troyan allert from Malwarebytes:

Website blocked due to Trojan
If you don't want to block this website, you can exclude it from website protection by accessing Exclusions.
Domain :    craftmoold.ddnsguru.com
IP Address :
Port:    1983
Type:    Outbound
File :    C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Mail\wab.exe

I don't know how to fix it.

I use a HP Pavilion 32 inche with Windows 11, and the latest updates are installed.

What should I do?

I hope someone can help me wit this.

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5 minutes ago, raptor003 said:

What should I do?


Although I will not be directly assisting you, a malware removal expert will be along to assist after you do the following.

Let's get the info to get the process started. Be aware it will take many steps and scans to fully remove malware.

Please respond to all future instructions from your helper in a timely manner.

Let's go ahead and run a couple of scans and get some updated logs from your system. Please read the entire post below before starting so that you're more familiar with the process

Then follow each step in the order provided. Unless otherwise asked, please attach all logs


Please make the following system changes: Please pay close attention the the instructions in all of the following links.

  • If you have not done so already - Enable System Protection and create a NEW System Restore Point  <<<<< Important.
  • Temporarily disable your antivirus real-time protection or other security software first only if it blocks or interferes with the scans or downloads.. Make sure to turn it back on once the scans are completed
  • Temporarily disable Microsoft SmartScreen to download software below only if needed. Make sure to turn it back on once the downloads are completed
  • Disable-Fast-Startup <<<<< Important.
  • Show-Hidden-Folders-Files-Extensions

Please run the following scans: Please pay close attention the the instructions in all of the following links.

  1. Click the following link and run a  Scan with AdwCleaner
  2. Click the following link and run a  Scan with Malwarebytes
       RESTART the computer <<<<< Important.
  3. Click the following link and run a  Scan with Farbar Recovery Scan Tool 

Example image of where to click to attach files when posting your reply


Then be patient for the next expert to take your case. <<<<< Important.


Thank you

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I did a system restore. And for the moment I don't see the Malwarebytes message anymore.
It is strange, because I did a clean install of Windows 11, than I installed all my software like I usually do. 
So there is no new software installed, so I don't know why I get this Malware alert of  Malwarebytes in the first place.
The only new software I installed is an updated version of Lucas Chess.
And I can't imagine this is causing the problem.
So it is really strange.



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