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2 minutes ago, stumpymattycat said:

How can I keep the hard drive alive long enough.

Don't use the computer.

3 minutes ago, stumpymattycat said:

If I leave this until I get a new hard drive, which could take weeks, will this automatically close, as said at the beginning?

You could create a new topic then since after you get a new drive, it will be about installing Windows.

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If there are no lights on the PC that are "On" and you have shut down the PC, you can unplug it.

Store it in a place where there are no excessive temperature swings and where the temperature and humidity are kept relatively the same over the time it takes to replace the spindle hard disk with a Solid State disk.

Edited by David H. Lipman
Edited for content, clarity, spelling and/or grammar
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Judging by the fact that people were able to come up with replacements for it, I'm guessing you have access to what hard drive I had in the first place. In which case, what do I have, bc I can't remember which, and can you find one that I can easily replace it with, maybe even the same kind?

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16 minutes ago, stumpymattycat said:

Judging by the fact that people were able to come up with replacements for it, I'm guessing you have access to what hard drive I had in the first place. In which case, what do I have, bc I can't remember which, and can you find one that I can easily replace it with, maybe even the same kind?

You will increase your performance with the one I posted.

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Ik it's been quite a bit of time, but, if what I've already sent makes shows you, can you tell me what kind of hard drive I have? Kinda forgot the specs and I've had it turned off for a good bit of time now, and I intend to keep it that way until I get a new one.

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3 minutes ago, stumpymattycat said:

I just wanted to know for when I have to start another topic, after I get the hard drive.

Do you even know how to install Windows on a new drive? Have you ever done it before?

It is not a case of plugging in a new drive and having a working computer.

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2 minutes ago, stumpymattycat said:

but have the supervision of my parents.

We get they are paying for the drive, But do they know how to do the actual work?

Sounds like you would be better off taking it to a local shop.

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1 minute ago, stumpymattycat said:

My dad managed to upgrade my ram no problem, so unless this is much more complicated, it should be fine.

Ram is just plug in and bam it just works. Installing Windows after you get it baked up on an external drive is a whole different thing entirely.

I do this for a living.

For now, I need to get back to it and check back later.

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I'd go to a computer shop, but we've not got the money. I'm saving for the hard drive myself; that's why it might take a while. We won't have the money to go to a computer shop, so it would be really useful to know how to do it without going to one. Of course, I don't need it now, as I don't have the hard drive yet, but we don't really have much other option.

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