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    mountain hiking, malware removal, astronomy, athletics

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  1. @graceCho I can underline what @AdvancedSetup wrote. Have you forgotten what I wrote about infected files? You should calm down and let MSS do it's job until it is finished. I doubt it will take a week. Even if MSS shows detections, that does not automatically mean that there is active malware on the system. The final logfile will show us if there is really malware on the system. Please be patient and stay with us.
  2. @graceCho Well done. The FRST logfiles look fine now. As I know that you are worried about your system, I suggest to run another scanner. I do not expect that it will find active malware, but no harm in checking. This scan may take some hours, so probably you should start the scan and then go out and do other stuff... no need to sit in front of the scan during the whole time. The Microsoft Safety Scanner (MSS) is a free Microsoft stand-alone virus scanner that can be used to scan for & remove malware or potentially unwanted software from a system. The download links & the how-to-run-the tool are at this link at Microsoft. Please let me know the results of this scan. Run a Full Scan. The log is named MSERT.log. The log will be at%SYSTEMROOT%\debug\msert.log which in most cases is C:\Windows\debug\msert.log Please attach that log with your next reply.
  3. @Tchukine Well, you posted logfiles from FSS and FRST, but in safe mode and not in normal mode. As long as normal mode works, you should ran every scan in normal mode. Thanks.
  4. @graceCho Thanks for your fixlog. The fix ran well. The current scan does only show "generic detections" or "heuristic detections" of your antivirus-program (what is the name of it?) , those seems to be false positives. A false positive occurs when the program mistakenly flags an innocent file as being infected. Therefore, you should calm down and not panic even more. A reinstall is not needed in this case. Let's run a fresh scan with FRST. Run FRST again. Do not change any settings. Press the Scan button. FRST will create two logs now (FRST.txt + Addition.txt) in the same directory the tool is run. Please attach these logfiles to your next reply.
  5. Due to the lack of feedback, I do not follow this topic any longer. If you need this topic reopened, please send a Private Message to any one of the moderating team members. Please include a link to this topic with your request. This applies only to the originator of this thread. Other members who need assistance please start your own topic in a new thread. Please review the following for Tips to help protect from infection. Thank you.
  6. @graceCho Fix button is what we need now... 🙂 btw... the last instruction does not contain a "scan" 😉
  7. @Leche_Condensada I doubt that this problem is related to malware. Did you already try to uninstall MBAM and reinstall it? I suggest that @AdvancedSetup should take over this topic in order to help you. He is familiar with MBAM and can help you better.
  8. @graceCho First of all, follow the instructions given by @AdvancedSetup: Next, please run the following fix with FRST. Please download the attached fixlist.txt file and save it to the location where you ran FRST from ( C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\ ). Note: It's important that both files, FRST and fixlist.txt are in the same location or the fix will not work. Close all open programs and save your work. Run FRST again. Press the FIX button only once and wait. Please be patient and do not interfere, even if FRST does not respond for some time. That's nothing to worry about. Please note: This Fix will remove all temporary files, empty recycle bin and will remove cookies and may result in some websites indicating they do not recognize your computer. It may be necessary to receive and apply a verification code. Please note: This step resets your Firewall settings and you may be asked later to grant permission for legitimate programs to pass through the Firewall. If you recognize the program, agree to the request. If the tool needs a restart, please make sure you let the system restart normally and let the tool complete its run after restart. FRST will create one log now (Fixlog.txt) in the same directory the tool is run. Please attach this logfile to your next reply. fixlist.txt
  9. @Leche_Condensada Please follw the instructions given by @AdvancedSetup and report back.
  10. @graceCho Good job! Next, please run ESET for me. It may take some time (>> 2 hours). I would suggest a free scan with the ESET Online Scanner Go to https://download.eset.com/com/eset/tools/online_scanner/latest/esetonlinescanner.exe It will start a download of "esetonlinescanner.exe". Save the file to your system, such as the Downloads folder, or else to the Desktop. Go to the saved file, and double click it to get it started. When presented with the initial ESET options, click on "Computer Scan". Next, when prompted by Windows, allow it to start by clicking Yes. When prompted for scan type, Click on Full scan. Look at & tick ( select ) the radio selection "Enable ESET to detect and quarantine potentially unwanted applications" and click on the Start scan button. Have patience. The entire process may take an hour or more. There is an initial update download. There is a progress window display. You should ignore all prompts to get the ESET antivirus software program. (e.g. their standard program). You do not need to buy or get or install anything else. When the scan is completed, if something was found, it will show a screen with the number of detected items. If so, click the button marked “View detected results”. Click The blue “Save scan log” to save the log. If something was removed and you know it is a false finding, you may click on the blue ”Restore cleaned files” (in blue, at the bottom). Press Continue when all done. You should click to off the offer for “periodic scanning”. Note: If you do need to do a File Restore from ESET please follow the directions below [KB2915] Restore files quarantined by the ESET Online Scanner version 3 https://support.eset.com/en/kb2915-restore-files-quarantined-by-the-eset-online-scanner
  11. @Leche_Condensada Good job! As a final step, please run SecurityCheck. I'll be back later. Thanks again! I would like you to run a tool named SecurityCheck to inquire about the current security update status of some applications. Download SecurityCheck by glax24: https://tools.safezone.cc/glax24/SecurityCheck/SecurityCheck.exe If Microsoft SmartScreen blocks the download, click through to save the file This tool is safe. Smartscreen is overly sensitive. If SmartScreen blocks the file from running click on More info and Run anyway Right-click with your mouse on the Securitycheck.exe and select "Run as administrator" and reply YES to allow to run & go forward Wait for the scan to finish. It will open a text file named SecurityCheck.txt Close the file. Attach it with your next reply. You can find this file in a folder called SecurityCheck, C:\SecurityCheck\SecurityCheck.txt
  12. Hello @graceCho and My name is MKDB and I will assist you. Let's keep these principles as we proceed. Make sure to read the entire post below first. Please follow the steps in the given order and post back the log files. Please attach all log files into your post. Before we start, please make sure that you have an external backup, not connected to this system, of all private data. Only run the tools I guide you to. Please don't run any other scans, download, install or uninstall any programs while I'm working with you. As English is not my native language, please do not use slang or idioms. It may be hard for me to understand. If you do not respond within 4 days, your topic will be closed. Cracked or hacked or pirated programs are not only illegal, but also will make a computer a malware victim. Having such programs installed, is the easiest way to get infected. It is the leading cause of ransomware encryptions. It is at times also a big source of current trojan infections. If you are running any kin of illegal software on your system, please uninstall them now, before we start the cleaning procedure. Please attach the requested logfiles from AdwCleaner, Malwarebytes and Farbar Recovery Scan Tool and we will be happy to help you. Thank you!
  13. @Tchukine No need to run FSS and FRST in safe mode, please run both tools in normal mode and attach the logfiles. Thanks.
  14. @Leche_Condensada Well done! Next, please run a fresh scan with FRST as well as ESET. 1️⃣ Run FRST again. Do not change any settings. Press the Scan button. FRST will create two logs now (FRST.txt + Addition.txt) in the same directory the tool is run. Please attach these logfiles to your next reply. 2️⃣ Let me have you run a different scanner to double-check. I would suggest a free scan with the ESET Online Scanner Go to https://download.eset.com/com/eset/tools/online_scanner/latest/esetonlinescanner.exe It will start a download of "esetonlinescanner.exe". Save the file to your system, such as the Downloads folder, or else to the Desktop. Go to the saved file, and double click it to get it started. When presented with the initial ESET options, click on "Computer Scan". Next, when prompted by Windows, allow it to start by clicking Yes. When prompted for scan type, Click on Full scan. Look at & tick ( select ) the radio selection "Enable ESET to detect and quarantine potentially unwanted applications" and click on the Start scan button. Have patience. The entire process may take an hour or more. There is an initial update download. There is a progress window display. You should ignore all prompts to get the ESET antivirus software program. (e.g. their standard program). You do not need to buy or get or install anything else. When the scan is completed, if something was found, it will show a screen with the number of detected items. If so, click the button marked “View detected results”. Click The blue “Save scan log” to save the log. If something was removed and you know it is a false finding, you may click on the blue ”Restore cleaned files” (in blue, at the bottom). Press Continue when all done. You should click to off the offer for “periodic scanning”. Note: If you do need to do a File Restore from ESET please follow the directions below [KB2915] Restore files quarantined by the ESET Online Scanner version 3 https://support.eset.com/en/kb2915-restore-files-quarantined-by-the-eset-online-scanner
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