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Winter 2023


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Here is my Leki Walking Stick. She's 12 years old. (There were 3 ugly canes before her.) Now, coming out of the closet after a long hibernation. 

NewTricks falls into potholes & off pavement with some regularity~possibly a vision thing, usually associated with precipitation of some kind. ❄️💦



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Bread flour (strong flour) has has a higher Gluten content which, after kneading to develop it, traps more air (well gas produced by the yeast or the bicarb in the baking powder) so it rises more and is less dense.

PS. Adding things on a whim.
It's good to experiment, but be aware that what you add might affect the yeast (or the bicarb reaction) and so affect the rise.


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Thanks for stopping by @nukecad.  King Arthur has been in my life for 20 years, either on the shelf or on their forum~now discontinued.

I normally think of bread flour in the traditional sense, when making kneaded dough. This was an experiment to see how it behaved in an "all-purpose" flour recipe. It did very well.

I've reached the max on my quick breads, and now, will start on the yeast bread journey, and saved my own eclectic recipe from years ago with different flours I got rid of my Dutch Oven though. (sad, sad, sad)

Have you ever used liquid coconut oil?


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Inspired by Data Privacy Week ID:1612311 the only "To Do" which constantly falls down the list, has risen back up.


These books hold 23 years of passwords. Some have been updated, some not. The point is in 2023, I consolidated and created a password protected digital file. (yeah, I hear the scoffing from a certain individual....) Baby steps.

Considering a mere year ago I used Google's password "manager" religiously and suffered a reality check when it was corrupted and lost everything.  I AM changing my ways, albeit glacially.

Part of my procrastination busting is to comb through everything, to catch some forgotten site, use my new addresses and then update my list. The step after that is to watch multiple videos on HOW TO USE Password Managers because so far, I feel "dazed and confused" when attempting use them. That may be unconscious resistance, who knows? 

If I can be persuaded to:

1.back up files regularly

2.wear glasses when looking at email to avoid spam

3. learn how to make and use strong passwords, (thank you MB for making this easy!)

4. move the shutter covering the Chromebook camera

surely I CAN DO THIS!


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  • Root Admin

I dislike paying for a password manager and why I've used Keepass now sine a little while after it was released. However, it is for the technically inclined and as such I tried a few others like BitWarden free but it simply does not work well enough for most non-technical people.

LastPass and 1Password work quite well but sadly LastPass has had too many issues in the past few years to recommend anymore. I went ahead and purchased an account on 1Password to use for sharing with my wife. It took a while but she is slowly coming around to use it. It works quite well with most sites but obviously there are some sites out there that seem to find a way to mess up their page and make it difficult to use a password manager the way it's supposed to be used, but one can still copy and paste from the app to the website and it works.


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12 minutes ago, AdvancedSetup said:

here are some sites out there that seem to find a way to mess up their page and make it difficult to use a password manager the way it's supposed to be used

Yes, that's my fear.

Since you mentioned COPY & PASTE, should I assume you are not a fan of "autofill" on anything? According to their site, Autofill is marketed as an advantage.

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7 minutes ago, AdvancedSetup said:

there are sites that break it

The service that I use for third party telephone calling suddenly did not allow me to "paste" that password, I had to enter it manually every single time.

Is this what you are referring to?

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  • Root Admin

Yes, 99% of the websites out there work well with Password Managers. But the other 1% go out of their way to write garbage websites that break or prevent them from working.

if it was perhaps something like a secure NSA site I might understand but for most it just seems to be bad coding


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Wow! Thanks. I didn't know what happened, but seeing it's a T-Mobile site, that says it all. Now, I've got one more tidbit of information to help me along.

21 minutes ago, AdvancedSetup said:

it just seems to be bad coding

"You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear."


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