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Spring 2023


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Yeah! Love this rose from your prior photo post. Flowers offer endless detail. Must have been a high speed, no wind, etc. Nice depth of field.

Those parrots- are they wild, tame, belong to your neighbors and frolic frequently" 

11 minutes ago, AdvancedSetup said:

grabbed my camera and took a snap

I'm sure it might have been a little more than that-nice results

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The tree outside my house this morning.

It's not the brightest spring day here, but at least it isn't raining (yet).

Taken on my phone, I'm old school and my 'serious' cameras are 35mm film so a bit difficult to upload.

Where the @~?xx did that image go? try again sorry if you see two.



Edited by nukecad
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@nukecad! Excellent and wonderful. These things look better overcast, who needs the sun?

You'll find a lot of old school here. I had to be dragged kicking and screaming into point and shoot as well as digital.  However~No issues with the way you take them.

Do continue!

Edited by NewTricks
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The sad thing is that next week or so all that cherry blossom will have dropped off and be blowing about the street.

Most of the wild daffodils have been and gone here, so we know when Wordsworth was doing his wandering about in his lonely mood.
There are still some wild ones in darker sheltered spots, and later flowering varieties in peoples gardens.

Edited by nukecad
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As you can see it is raining here today and the blossom has started to drop, I guess I caught it just in time yesterday.


A couple of close ups:


I also have a bed of this flowering out front, not sure just what it is but photogenic in the rain:


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