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Dirty admin is a threat actor


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Just like in this post. The admin seems sus. Especially towards the end. I had told someone about seeing one of those screen shots showed a connection to “london”. All of a sudden after two years the screen shots disappear? That admin joined 2008 and that coincides with someone I traced right after high school. I found the hacker that has been running around hacking by people like this post for years now. For me this has been confirmed. I am the person mentioned in the last Apple patch.


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Aren't you the same individual who has a long thread, with multiple posts on the IOS support sub-forum ? https://forums.malwarebytes.com/topic/296640-apple-diagnostics-confirmed/#comment-1562452

This sub-forum here is only for Windows machines & additionaly, only for those that are seeking malware removal. Not for claims of sightings of nefarious outside actors.

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  • Root Admin
On 4/5/2023 at 7:21 PM, exploitedsquirrel said:

I have had this verified by cyber security professionals. Why would you say this? 

Then please seek their continued assistance. We're not here to argue or debate others.



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Hey sorry late to the party. That original thread changed since I started talking about it. The screen shot showing the name “london “ that shows active connections has also disappeared. Why after two years does this get changed? Also, at the end of the post, it appears the response was changed. The response part I may be mistaken on.


But, all things considered, job security at its finest?

Yeah I get how it sounds sure. But I have just finally started getting Apple and Microsoft to start either looking into things for real, or in parts. After I am secure once again, I will be a large summary for the people. I am under constant cyber attack at the moment. I am not famous, nor rich. Initially fraud and theft occurred. Until then:)

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PSS: Apologies if that is only a coincidence. I am under extreme stress due to having to learn how to fix this myself. Apple only recently gained the ability to see a socks connection for example.


My reason for the coincidence is because it has happened before. My wife posted on Reddit requesting help. The hacker had the audacity to comment on her post denouncing it and without asking any question. After clicking the profile, it connected his YouTube and personal website. Both showed two completely different people trying to be passed as the same, which was my first red flag.

In short: traced back to one identity. That guy had numerous trusts associated with his name, dead people of the trusts not even related, not to mention the suspicious amount of updated family profiles,(associated with the same ID),on the same day, of even his family after I found it. I speculate, but may be a member of a group in recent news.

A good movie script so far, but man I miss privacy.

Edited by exploitedsquirrel
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Topic-thread moved to a more general-oriented sub-forum due to no mention of a Windows PC being cited, nor any Farbar FRST report for Windows submitted.
OP has mentioned a Apple device extensively in IOS support sub-forum.
OP has received many helpful replies.  among them are these



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