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MWB not scanning on right-click

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I have version 4.5.23 updated as far as I can tell. If I run a scan via the menu scanner it seems to run fine.

But if I right-click a folder and try to run a MWB scan it usually does not start, occasionally it will though. The scanner screen pops up with 'Checking for Updates' and 'Scanning file system' listed but neither get ticked and in the monitor graphic the bar does not move. It just sits there, no results are given.

But if I cancel the scan and look in Reports it looks like the scan was run (date and time wise) and no detections found. The advanced report usually claims items were scanned and no detection found.

Details from advanced file:

Ver -

Component package - 1.0.1927

Update package version - 1.0.67078


I have tried restarting the PC

I have tried turning the four MWB scanning options off (Web, Malware, Ransom and exploit) and turning them back on.

I have tried turning the windows explorer context option off then on.

None of the above helped.



So two questions really:

1 How do I correct this so it always scans by right-click on a folder?

2 When it scans a folder should it scan sub-folders of that folder or not?

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12 minutes ago, Fred232 said:

2 When it scans a folder should it scan sub-folders of that folder or not?


13 minutes ago, Fred232 said:

1 How do I correct this so it always scans by right-click on a folder?

Download the Malwarebytes Support Tool and do a clean reinstall.

Please close all browsers and programs before running the tool. Right click and quit MB from the system tray also.

Once done it will attempt to reinstall both Malwarebytes and Privacy VPN.

Please say no and close the X button on the top right for Privacy.

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Thanks, I'll give it a try and let you know later.

The odd thing is regarding the sub-folders, If I scan something that has say four files and three subfolders (7 items in all), it reports that four things have been scanned even if the subfolders have say 5 items in them each. But if I open the subfolder and scan it it reports that 5 items have been scanned. The problem is most noticeable for Steam games and steam game folders where it sometimes reports no items have been scanned on the main game folder. Hence the question re sub-folders. But it seems to work on other folders?


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  • Root Admin

There is no folder depth limit imposed on purpose. Perhaps if there were enough that we reached a limit on path of over 260 characters, but otherwise it should scan all the files that we target.

Please run the clean process as requested @Fred232 and if you do continue to have an issue let us know.

Thank you


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Thanks for the replies, the reinstall via the tool seems to have fixed it. I will check and let you know if it fails again.

It was only that I specifically did a right-click scan that I noticed the problem. I wonder if it was actually scanning at all? 

Still it seems to be back to normal now, so thanks again.



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