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.exe files


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i just wanted to know (since i couldnt find much on google) if i run an application, like an installer for example.. and once the Windows Pop Up "Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device" comes up and i press NO. Is there any way that there could be a virus on my pc?
Or as long as i dont actually run the installer i have nothing to worry about?

Like i dont know if this might be a stupid question, my brain tells me i have nothing to worry about but i have this weird feeling and i guess i just want some confirmation ;D


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  • Root Admin

It has nothing to do with saying yes or no. For one thing, there are almost no viruses. Maybe only one new one since about 2012. Almost everything today falls into other categories such as Trojans, etc.

But, someone that is attempting to infect your computer could care less what you click. If you run it, they'll do what they want to try to infect you period.

If you think you may be infected, or want help, please let us know @arzne


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2 hours ago, arzne said:

if i run an application, like an installer for example.. and once the Windows Pop Up "Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device" comes up and i press NO. Is there any way that there could be a virus on my pc?

That is called UAC "user account control". It will come up anytime you run anything that can make changes to your computer (good or bad) it does not discriminate.


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