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You can do it by using Code Tags.

[code]  my URL or code snippet [/code]


[code]  https://www.yahoo.com/ [/code]

will yield...

  my URL or code snippet 




The important concept is there are no spaces inside the Square Brackets "[]" or it won't work.

You can test this by choosing the Post Preview



Since you are in the Forum Group "Honorary Members" you can fix a posted Code Tag syntax error by Editing your Post.





Edited by David H. Lipman
Edited for content, clarity, spelling and/or grammar
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It's possible that the small and very limited space provided on iOS just doesn't accommodate it easily.  I have seen in a limited screen size the forum Editor in Firefox on Windows will have a truncated Editor Toolbar.  That is not all functions show.  Adjusting the screen size and Zoom Level will bring into view a full Editor Toolbar.

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