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Account/password issues ?


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 I just reset my password using my e-mail before that I logged-in from a different device  and I wasn't able to logg-in back from my laptop stating "wrong password" feel like someone changed my password. Is there a way to check password change activity ? 

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Please see the following




Password changed by member using the Forgot Password tool.
18 hours ago

Account locked from logging in using this IP address until 06/16/2022 07:45 AM following 3 unsuccessful login attempts.
19 hours ago

Password changed by member.
19 hours ago

Logged in from a new device: Chrome on Windows .
19 hours ago

Email address validated.
Tuesday at 07:43 AM

Accepted the privacy policy
Tuesday at 07:41 AM

Accepted the terms and conditions
Tuesday at 07:41 AM




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I have a different password on my e-mail and the laptop I am using now , have no issues whatsoever. The issue was the 2nd laptop that I logged in, immediately as u can see

 Password changed by member.
19 hours ago

I haven't changed the password, the only time i did was when I had to retrieve it via e-mail

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