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Who is Stupid?

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Teacher & Student Jokes, etc:

TEACHER: John, how do you spell "crocodile"?

JOHN : "K-R-O-K-O-D-A-I-L"

TEACHER: No, that's wrong

JOHN : Maybe it's wrong, but you asked me how I spell it!

TEACHER: What is the chemical formula for water?

SARAH : "HIJKLMNO"!! />TEACHER: What are you talking about?

SARAH : Yesterday you said it's H to O!

TEACHER: George, go to the map and find North America.

GEORGE : Here it is!

TEACHER: Correct. Now, class, who discovered America?

CLASS : George!

TEACHER: Willy, name one important thing we have today that we didn'thave ten years ago.


TEACHER: Tommy, why do you always get so dirty?

TOMMY : Well, I'm a lot closer to the ground than you are.

TEACHER: Why are you late?

WEBSTER: Because of the sign.

TEACHER: What sign?

WEBSTER: The one that says, "School Ahead, Go Slow."

SILVIA: Dad, can you write in the dark?

FATHER: I think so. What do you want me to write?

SYLVIA: Your name on this report card.

TEACHER: In this box, I have a 10-foot snake.

SAMMY : You can't fool me, Teacher... snakes don't have feet.

TEACHER: How can you prevent diseases caused by biting insects?

JOSE : Don't bite any.

TEACHER: Ellen, give me a sentence starting with "I".

ELLEN : I is...

TEACHER: No, Ellen. Always say, "I am."

ELLEN : All right... "I am the ninth letter of the alphabet."

MOTHER: Why on earth did you swallow the money I gave you?

JUNIOR: You said it was my lunch money.

TEACHER: If I had seven oranges in one hand and eight oranges in the other what would I have?


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Another Teacher & Student Joke:

Teacher: If I give you two rabbits and two rabbits and another two rabbits, how many rabbits have you got?

Paddy: Seven!

Teacher: No, listen carefully again. If I give you two rabbits and two rabbits and another two rabbits, how many rabbits have you got?

Paddy: Seven!

Teacher: Let's try this another way. If I give you two apples and two apples and another two apples, how many apples have you got?

Paddy: Six.

Teacher: Good. Now if I give you two rabbits and two rabbits and another two rabbits, how many rabbits have you got?

Paddy: Seven!

Teacher: How on earth do you work out that three lots of two rabbits is seven?

Paddy: I've already got one rabbit at home now!

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# Teacher: Can anyone give me the name of a liquid that won't freeze ?

Pupil: Hot water !

# Teacher: Does anyone know which month has 28 days ?

Pupil: All of them !

# Why was the head teacher worried ?

Because there were so many rulers in the school !

# Teacher: I told you to stand at the end of the line ?

Pupil: I tried, but there was someone already there !

# Teacher: If I bought a hundred current buns for a dollar, what would each bun be ?

Pupil: Stale !

# Teacher: I said to draw a cow eating some grass but you've only drawn the cow ?

Pupil: Yes, the cow ate all the grass !

# Teacher: What is "can't" short for ?

Pupil: Can not miss.

# Teacher: and what is "don't" short for

Pupil: Doughnut !

# Teacher: Can anyone tell me what the Dog Star is ?

Pupil: Lassie !

# Teacher: In 1940, what were the Poles doing in Russia ?

Pupil: Holding up the telegraph lines !

# Teacher: Why are you standing on your head ?

Pupil: I'm just turning over things in my mind, sir !

# Teacher: That's quite a cough you have there, what are you taking for it ?

Pupil: I don't know teacher. What will you give me ?

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One Early morning a mother went to her sleeping son and woke him up.

MOM : "Wake up, son. It's time to go to school."

SON : "But why, Mama? I don't want to go to school."

MOM : "Give me two reasons why you don't want

to go to school."

SON : "One, all the chilldren hate me. Two, all the teachers hate me."

MOM : "Oh! that's not a reason. Come on, you have to go to school."

SON : "Give me two good reasons WHY I *should* go to school?"

MOM : "One, you are FIFTY-TWO years old and should understand your responsibilities. Two, you are the PRINCIPAL of the school.

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