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Hi, would be grateful for suggestions.  We have a smart TV in the bedroom but to connect to Netflix, Amazon Prime Films etc., we need internet connection.  Our connection in the bedroom is very poor and often can not connect. Any idea how we can get a better connection? We are with Virgin. The router is in the lounge downstairs.


thank you. 

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It is possible from going though walls to using conduit.

Please provide specifics of your type of Internet connection and the equipment used.

Such as...

  • Make and models of Router and TV
  • Internet type:  Cable, DSL, Satelite, Fiber, etc.
  • Rated Speed Up and Down


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  • Root Admin

Yes, as @David H. Lipman said, budget is a key factor. Then options, ideas, such as future use or growth. Do you have older kids in the home that might be doing various networking tasks or sharing, etc. What about Plex Media Server setup kind of operations in the future?

I agree with @Porthos that some type of Mesh WiFi would probably be best




Interestingly the tp-link has / uses the same model number as the Asus product which does well.




Potentially not quite as configurable but most home users don't want to mess with advanced configuration anyways.






They have a pretty active forum as well with at least a few knowledgeable networking people 



I'd probably stay away from the Linksys according to some discussions around the Web.


Best of luck and if you do need further information please let us know, or if you do decide to purchase something please also let us know what you went with and how well it worked out for you.

Cheers @kristell




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I was looking at this.

QLOCOM WiFi Booster Range Extender 1200Mbps WiFi Extender Signal Booster, WiFi Extender Dual Band 5GHz /2.4GHz,1 Ethernet Port, UK Plug

I am in the uk,so options you suggest in USA many be different.  What do you think, will this work if I put it at the bottom of the stairs that go up,to the bedroom?

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You didn't answer the questions...

  • Make and models of Router and TV
  • Internet type:  Cable, DSL, Satelite, Fiber, etc.
  • Rated Speed Up and Down

For example if your ISP provides aDSL and you get 2Mb/s down and 768 Kb/s up then something like Mesh won't help. 

Answering those questions will preclude differences in the UK vs across the pond in the States.  It will become the technical information that can inform and provide you a more direct solution.

Edited by David H. Lipman
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Thank you.

That at least indicates you have the Bandwidth to support streaming.  Note that WiFi is a radio signal and is not immune to environmental noise that can disrupt streaming.

Best 'o Luck.

Edited by David H. Lipman
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