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Congratuslations Malwarebytes Team on the AV-Test Top Product award

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Malwarebytes 4.3 did it!


Very nice job!
Since Malwarebytes entered AV-test and was independently reviewed on the PC Security Channel for the first time, there has been a steady improvement of the protection rating of the product.
While is was arguably not so good a few years back, now it seems that Malwarebytes can compete with the best products on the market again. Congratulations!
For myself I can add: The four lifetime licenses I bought a couple of years ago have been among the best purchases I ever made.

PS. I preferred to post this topic in the Malwarebytes news forum, but I don't have rights to do so.

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These guys always show too many AV's scoring perfect every time, which means imo, that they are testing incorrectly or that there is virtually zero difference in protection between the leading 10 or so AV brands. I'm thinking its a bit of both,  most other AV testing organizations do not show this clumping of perfect protection results for so many products. And if you go back a couple of years and compile stats from the test results from multiple organizations, it basically confirms that most AV's provide almost equal protection , the difference is minimal if you compare number of samples versus samples not detected.


Also, I would not trust any youtube testers.

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