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Please whitelist rwop.info

Go to solution Solved by gonzo,

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I am the Vice President, Communications for the Republican Women of Prescott.  One of our members brought an issue to our attention.

When a member uses MalwareBytes, and attempts to navigate to our official website at rwop.info, they are blocked from the site.  MalwareBytes blocks the website due to "a suspicious top level domain."  Attached is a screenshot of the actual error (name removed to protect privacy.)

Please let me know when our site has been added to the MalwareBytes white list.

Thanks so much!

Judie Vullo

RWOP website note-deidentified.pdf

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This is a Browser Guard Block. I will Alert the proper team to investigate. There is no need for any further action from you at this time.


While we wait for staff. A note on Website blocked due to a suspicious top level domain (TLD)

Non-standard TLD's (biz/cc/info/xyz/online and so on) are commonly used for malicious purposes.  Malwarebytes err on the side of caution to assure that we are protecting our users. If our users encounter a block, they report it (as you did), it gets tested, and if it is determined to be safe, it gets whitelisted.


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