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Back in April my wife's laptop suddenly stopped working. Long story short, I had to take it into the shop and they determined it was a bad hard drive and replaced it and added another copy of Windows 10. I might mention the receipt said it was a "used" hard drive that was put in.(I didn't think of this much at the time).

My wife's computer has been working fine for three months. Then suddenly, earlier tonight, with no warning, she turned it on and got a dark screen that said the following. This is a HP 15 laptop: "Boot device not found. Please install an operating system on your hard disk. Hard Disk <3FO>  For more information, F2 System Diagnostics." That is all. So I hit the F2 and did an extensive check of the hard disk. It said: "HP PC Hardware Diagnostics UEFI"---Testing Drive: 1; SMART Check: Passed; Long DST: Failed.  Failure ID: 98EJ11-908A6F-MFPUQK-61EW03.  Product ID: N5Y04UA#ABA.  Hard Drive 1. Version BIOS.

That was all. This message is very similar to the message three months ago we got when told the hard drive went. 

We could see the first time because she has had the laptop for about 3 years and people have told me hard drives can go anytime. But THREE MONTHS? It concerns me the shop says on the invoice they put in a "used" HDD, not a new one. Granted, we did not instruct them to put in a "new" one. They chose to put in a used one. I would like to know your opinions on a used hard drive put in by a computer shop with a very good reputation could have this happen. There is no warranty listed on the receipt as far as the work that was done. We are not sure how to approach them with this, as we are quite upset, naturally. 

The used HDD was only $25. What would a "new' one for your average HP laptop go for about if we specified this time for them to put in a new one?  The labor was $75. so we paid $100 for the repair. We feel they should "make good" on the hard drive going so quickly, but I am uneducated on hard drives.

Thank you for whatever advice or information you can provide on this upsetting matter. 

We could see

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21 minutes ago, jek1234 said:

The used HDD was only $25. What would a "new' one for your average HP laptop go for about if we specified this time for them to put in a new one?  The labor was $75. so we paid $100 for the repair. We feel they should "make good" on the hard drive going so quickly, but I am uneducated on hard drives.

Laptop drives go thru a lot of stress because laptops are portable.

It seems the shop was trying to save you money. I personally do not use used drives in my repair business. I will also will not use standard spinning drives in any computer. I only use SSD's.( Solid State Hard Drives)

25 minutes ago, jek1234 said:

The labor was $75

That was fair.

26 minutes ago, jek1234 said:

We feel they should "make good" on the hard drive going so quickly

Depends on the shop. If I was forced to use a used drive, I would probably give a 90 day warranty on it but I would have not worked on it like I said, NO used drives.

You have been advised in you previous topic to have the shop install a SSD.

What country or state are you located in?


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I know I was recommended to get an SSD drive. My wife kind of runs the budget and just "wanted her computer fixed"(she's knows nothing about computers, I have to tell her everything). So we did not give any specific instructions to the shop as to the "type" of hard drive to replace it with.

I still find it very odd for a hard drive, even used, to completely go after only 3 months. And she hardly uses the thing. Maybe they were trying to save us money by installing a "used" drive, whatever that means. I don't know the condition it was in.

I would like to talk my wife into getting herself an SSD drive, but am worried about the price. In general, what might be the range on them for an average low end laptop from hp she got at wal mart, if you can tell me that.

If the price of the SSD is too high for her, what about a "new'" drive?  Any range on what they would cost?

I still believe they should have provided some kind of warranty on the item they put in. As I said, nothing is stated in writing on the receipt we got about it. She is going to "feel them out" when she calls them Monday and see what their "attitude" is. That is why I am trying to get educated on them now, before I speak with the store.

You asked where I live. I am in very small town called Alamo in southeast Georgia, about 200 miles from Atlanta.

Thanks for your continued help.

My name is John, by the way.

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7 minutes ago, jek1234 said:

She is going to "feel them out" when she calls them Monday


8 minutes ago, jek1234 said:

My wife kind of runs the budget

Sounds like you wife was looking for the least expensive option when getting the computer fixed. I do not blame her, but you get what you pay for.

Depending on the size drive needed (what size used one did you get) A SSD is not that pricey. You could probly order one on Amazon and pay the $75 for them to install it and save some money.

If they are willing to fix it under some warranty, I would supply them with a drive.




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There are no details listed on the receipt, other than "used HDD". I will try to talk her into getting the SSD drive. I assume I have to get one compatible with the machine. I have never shopped for a hard drive before, so need some guidance, please. I will list here all the details I can, numbers, etc., I can find on the bottom of the computer.

First off, I can tell you she bought this for around $279 at Wal Mart, about 3 years ago. Seems your basic low end laptop. It does say '500gb hard drive'. 

Model #: HP 15-1271wm. Serial #: 5CD7418NZ8. Product #: NY504UA#ABA. IC: 6317A-RTL8188EE. SCT: RCPRERT 12-0647. CUC: C-10909.  It also says 'Intel pentium N3540 processor'. 4gb system memory. This is all I could find. Obviously, I cannot get into the computer to get any more system information.

$75 is not too bad. If you can take the above information and give me a link or two on Amazon or wherever to get the least expensive appropriate SSD hard drive I would really appreciate it.

Thank you.

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55 minutes ago, jek1234 said:

Model #: HP 15-1271wm. Serial #: 5CD7418NZ8. Product #: NY504UA#ABA. IC: 6317A-RTL8188EE. SCT: RCPRERT 12-0647. CUC: C-10909.  It also says 'Intel pentium N3540 processor'. 4gb system memory. This is all I could find.


56 minutes ago, jek1234 said:

First off, I can tell you she bought this for around $279 at Wal Mart, about 3 years ago.

Most likely a black Friday type special. The "WM" in the model number denotes it was only available at Walmart.

58 minutes ago, jek1234 said:

Seems your basic low end laptop.

That is very true.

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