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Please don't block my Website!! jawfin.net

Go to solution Solved by Dashke,

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My previous thread was locked: https://forums.malwarebytes.com/topic/260463-false-positive-jawfinnet/  and fair enough, so creating a new one. 

But this time I am posting preemptively, so please forgive that impertinence, it just that in an effort to help the users of the application I wrote https://jawfin.net/nsm I have again uploaded the debug version of it, but now in a Zip file.  Odds are, sooner or later, some stupid AntiVirus will complain about it, and due to the nature of sharing detections between the AV vendors I just wanted to post here to keep an eye out that you don't fall into that trap [for a 3rd time].

So if you think it'll happen regardless of our best efforts, please let me know and I'll put a password on the zip, or whatever you recommend to prevent false triggers.

If it won't be a problem please just lock this thread and I apologise for wasting your time.


Edit: Why does the posts here keep hyperlinking normal text?!?? (And not the actual links!!!!)


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Haha, well, the block isn't there yet - but I am just being cautious, giving you guys a heads up as my software seems to trigger AVs >.<

Sidepoint, I can't preview or edit these posts, so sorry for bad formatting / links in the OP, I just couldn't fix it!


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Wait, so, it was already blocked?
I mean, why?
I posted here the moment I uploaded my zip, so it wasn't that.

I may add, just quietly, that I was reassured I would be told if you blocked my site again [I mean, just saying....].

On a completely unrelated note, every time I log into these forums it tells me I entered my password incorrectly [I didn't], and I have to use the "forget password" to restore my login.

And, to double check, as soon as I did that, and put my new password in, I did a test by opening this site incognito and sure enough I couldn't log in with the new credentials I just made.  This means for some reason I have to use the forget password to log in each time.  Should I make a new forum thread about that, or is it a known issue? [I didn't check]


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35 minutes ago, Jawfin said:

Wait, so, it was already blocked?

It was blocked by the other free Malwarebytes Browser guard not the paid main Malwarebytes program.

Browser guard is a bit more aggressive and does not just rely on signatures and had to be whitelisted separately.


Malwarebytes Browser Guard blocks downloads that either come from websites that see relatively light traffic or may contain potentially malicious content. This is intended to protect you from new scams.

@gonzo Could you recheck the following 2 links please.



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Aha makes sense, thanks!

I've done my nut competing with AVs - I just bother with MWB because you're the best!

I may add those .php are obviously script generated download links which point to: -

So check those fellows too, when you can as well, hehe.

And may as well check that zip what prompted me to post in the first place: -

Cheers again,

(And I just found the Preview forum post button, yay :D)

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7 minutes ago, Jawfin said:

I may add those .php are obviously script generated download links which point to: -

So check those fellows too, when you can as well, hehe.

And may as well check that zip what prompted me to post in the first place: -

Those direct links are not blocked. The PHP ones are.

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Thanks for letting me know. It would be because they are advertised on my website.

BUT, it really does merit mentioning the first time MWB blocked my website was due to a private .exe I had hosted, which was shared only amongst a few friends (an innocent application, I may add) - and I suspect whatever AV on their computer is what flagged it, and thus snowball effect... so can't hurt to be too careful :)

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