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MP3JUICE malware

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We are a corporate subscriber of Malwarebytes. We have a user that is getting notifications in the system tray for various ads and fake virus detection alerts.

The popup always displays:  Microsoft Edge - www.mp3juices.cc and then a random ad with buttons to open, join, etc.

I have taken the following action:

reset all browsers, cleaned all cookies and related caches including the appdata/local  areas , see no unusual programs installed, checked for unusual services. I have checked the registry for SHELL modifications and any programs that are started through the RUN Key in HKLM and HKCU. I have run ProcessExplorer with a VirusTotal Hash scan that returns nothing.

I have Malwarebytes Exploit, Ransomware, and normal Malwarebytes reporting nothing even while the popups are occurring.

Any ideas? I assumed Malwarebytes would catch something like this.


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  • Root Admin

Hello @bucrepus

Please post a status update when you have a moment and if the Push Notifications was not the issue let us know.

Not related to Push Notifications but another area of protection that most antivirus and security products do not address as it is not an infection is Ad blocking. You might want to review and see if adding it to your systems makes sense or not.


Thank you


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