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Advice Needed on a URL


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Hi Guys,

I was asked by MalwareBytes Support to come to you with my query (I really do not understand why is it so difficult to get a straightforward answer to my query.)

Basically, I ran a check at VirusTotal on a URL (megaup.net) and all but one scanner passed it (please refer to the attachments for the result of that check.) I then contacted MalwareBytes Support because my MalwareBytes Premium blocked that URL although MalwareBytes hpHosts at VirusTotal passed it as clean. The Support team then asked to extract information from my device which was not only baffling, it is also very worrying. My query was on a blocked URL so I couldn't understand why they wanted information from my device. Then, they came back a few days later and simply said "the block stays" and that's it. No explanation despite my asking, instead they just said "please refer to the community forum if you want to know the reason for blocking." Frankly, I have always had a very positive impression of the Support team, they have always handled my queries very well, helped to resolve my issues professionally and quickly. This last encounter with them is just very disappointing because of their short replies with no explanation.

Anyway, I hope to get some information from you as to why the URL (megaup.net) is blocked by MalwareBytes Premium.

Looking forward to your reply.



VirusTotal Result1.pdf VirusTotal Result2.pdf

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Hi Andrew, 

When you upload a file to megaup.net it creates a bundle which includes what we detect as PUP.Optional.Installcore. Any one who downloads the resulting file will have this pup installed. Because of this our detection of megaup.net will remain.


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