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  1. Hi James, Unfortunately a screenshot won't help us here. Could you please have the student visit https://downloads.malwarebytes.com/file/mbst and follow the instructions on how to gather logs? Once they've gathered them please share them so we can review. Thanks
  2. Hey RainOnThem,back to why you were here, the block was an FP. I apologize for how confusing this thread has become.
  3. Not sure why this was moved. mbst-grab-result.zip is the one I needed
  4. Could you please visit https://downloads.malwarebytes.com/file/mbst and follow the instructions on how to gather logs? Once you gathered them please share them so we can review.
  5. Could you please visit https://downloads.malwarebytes.com/file/mbst and follow the instructions on how to gather logs? Once you gathered them please share them so we can review.
  6. Thanks for reporting, this should be resolved in the next update.
  7. Hi Rob, Thanks, it looks like this was a false positive and has since been whitelisted, sorry for the delay in responding. If it was quarantined it is safe to restore.
  8. Thanks for reporting this, it should be resolved shortly.
  9. This was a false positive and will be resolved shortly.
  10. Thank you for reporting this was indeed a false positive and has been fixed.
  11. This should be resolved.
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