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Video Wrapr = Malware?

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I would love to know if the 'video converter' software they require me to install is laced with malware. 

All google searches lead to malware solutions, so it is impossible to find without having expertise, that I hope some of you have on here ! 

Please help - thank you very much. 


(I can't upload the converter software zip b/c Malwarebytes only allows 50Mb uploads, which is insufficient)

However - I did upload it here to Dropbox if anyone is able to check it out: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wi26ofjg8shk4ve/WraprConversionTool-1.3.0.pkg.zip?dl=0




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1 hour ago, C_Hoff said:

they require me to install

Hi C_Hoff and welcome..
Who requires you to install the program, is it a Company policy or do you just wish to find a Personal version ...

The links do not show malware when I checked them using your link in Google search ( http://wrapr.com ) ..
It showed that to use it you need to purchase the program to fully use it .. I could not find a free version of the program ..
I used the link that shows their "Facebook page" and that tells you what the program will do, and lists how to purchase it ..

Thank You ..

EDIT for Virus Total Scan = Result .. No engines detected this URL 0 / 71 based on "http://wrapr.com"

Edited by noknojon
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On 3/8/2020 at 5:47 AM, C_Hoff said:

I would love to know if the 'video converter' software they require me to install is laced with malware. 

I would be very interested in knowing who "they" is. If you are seeing some pop-up that says you have to install this software, you probably shouldn't. If your boss is telling you to install it for a specific purpose, you probably should.

I've looked at the software briefly, and as far as I can tell it's not malware. That doesn't mean it's not unwanted software, though, and the site itself is sketchy as hell. It looks like the website equivalent of a late-night infomercial for shake weights. That doesn't mean it's not legit - it could be a legit company that just needs to fire whoever created the site - but it doesn't inspire confidence either.

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On 3/8/2020 at 9:56 PM, noknojon said:

Who requires you to install the program, is it a Company policy or do you just wish to find a Personal version ?...

@Thomas .. I did ask that in my first reply, #3 , but had no response to the question ...
It is not malware as shown in the Virus Total Scan , but it is not a "free program" . You must Register and Purchase to get the program installed .

This "Registering" and request for "Payment" is enough to point to unwanted software if the process is not followed .. (In my opinion)
I fully tested it for a free version, but none was available .. Then I scanned with Malwarebytes and looked for small items with Malwarebytes AdwCleaner ..
P.S. The software zip. should compress to less than 58.5 Mbytes, as in Accepted file types ..


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21 minutes ago, noknojon said:

looked for small items with Malwarebytes AdwCleaner ..

Malwarebytes AdwCleaner is Windows only, so although it might have been able to identified some Windows adware, I would have to speculate the the detection of Mac adware is low to non-existent. We do know that there have been cases of Windows malware being recompiled or allowed to run using a Windows emulator in macOS, but as I recall less than a handful have been found.

A few other findings after checking it earlier:

  • The installer only contains the app itself and there are no installer scripts to do anything at all before or after installation of the app, so any malware would have to be downloaded and/or installed from a first launch of the app. There are no obvious launch agents/daemons, startup processes or .kext files embedded in the app that could be used.
  • Scanning with ClamXAV (including all platform ClamAV signatures) were clean. Scans by free versions of Bitdefender, Intego and TrendMicro AV packages revealed no malware.
  • The app does contain version 1.8.122 of Java.runtime, enabling the java based tool to run without the user needing to have Java installed. That's the major reason why it's so big.
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