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Malwarebytes Tray App Crash

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I haven't noticed anything amiss while using the laptop but Reliability Monitor has recorded two instances of an APPCRASH associated with the Malwarebytes Tray Icon, yesterday and today. I attach the Support Tool report that I've just generated after reviewing today's Reliability Monitor status - the APPCRASH details are below. If you could throw any light on the cause or pass on the results if it helps developers. I have had a few issues show up in the Reliability Monitor but nothing I view as serious incidents. Everything seems to run well and I ran CHKDSK and SFC with other diagnostic checks. If there's no obvious cause, I'll run the tool again and reinstall Malwarebytes 4.

I'm running Windows 10 Pro 1909 Build 18363.657 on a recently purchased refurbished ThinkPad T450s with a new 1 TB SSD


Malwarebytes Tray Application

Stopped working

‎17/‎02/‎2020 13:24

Report sent

Faulting Application Path:    C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes\Anti-Malware\mbamtray.exe

Problem signature
Problem Event Name:    APPCRASH
Application Name:    mbamtray.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp:    5e3e0390
Fault Module Name:    Qt5Core.dll
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp:    5e3cb983
Exception Code:    c0000005
Exception Offset:    000000000020d435
OS Version:    10.0.18363.
Locale ID:    2057
Additional Information 1:    e46c
Additional Information 2:    e46cfebabd6a927c2fe489b366a46e1d
Additional Information 3:    10f2
Additional Information 4:    10f2aafe9ec2912d9fdf74317fe6bdc4

Extra information about the problem
Bucket ID:    8c9c2e4194bc9104af256f12b4e9f7d0 (2244322115449386960)



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Thanks for your advice @Porthos - I did have controlled folder access switched on the other day just to try it out but switched it back off as it gave me more grief than I thought it was worth, and it's still showing as off. Perhaps it was on when the last MB update occurred, but I don't think so. Do you think a reboot and  a clean reinstallation of MB via the Support Tool might be the best next step?

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7 minutes ago, TempLost said:

Thanks for your advice @Porthos - I did have controlled folder access switched on the other day just to try it out but switched it back off as it gave me more grief than I thought it was worth, and it's still showing as off. Perhaps it was on when the last MB update occurred, but I don't think so. Do you think a reboot and  a clean reinstallation of MB via the Support Tool might be the best next step?

You could do that. I saw that in the past you had some VSS issues. I would also exclude your Casper backup in the MB allow list.

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Good thoughts on the Casper Backup, I'll do that next after I do the MB reinstallation. Not just me thenon Controlled Folder Access then!

Now, if I can only get Windows Desktop Search running properly in Windows 10, I might stop missing Windows 7 altogether. Used to be able to perform fast searches on the contents of my Outlook PST and Archive PST with W7 but, without telling me, they took that away in W8 +, so I invested in Lookeen Search which does a great job of searching PST files. It can also replace Windows Desktop Search but I haven't really investigated that part of it, so I guess that's the next step. ............

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I'm not exactly sure whether the problems I have with Desktop Search are mine or Window 10's, it's not something I've devoted much time to - been too busy getting other things sorted. So Ihave to take a deep breath, go back to the beginning and ..read all the info I can and make sure everything is set up correctly before I start pointing fingers.

I've always (well, for 20 + years) used Office Outlook as a contact manager and it's worked pretty well. I've got loads of history in PST files and Windows search, certainly in W7,  would pull stuff out in a trice.I don't rely on it entirely for emails as my accounts are all Gmail or use domains I own as a portal for Gmail, and I can use webmail in extremis or a Gmail app and still keep in touch. PST files can be a bit fragile and using CompanionLink to sync with Google Calendar can be a bit too exciting at times, and if I was starting again I'd do it all differently but I'm too long in the tooth to change. And better the devil you know.........

Windows 10 doesn't search PST files and one has to use a third party solution - crazy, but true. What I want to do is search the content of Word, Excel etc files for particular content and I thought I knew how to do this successfully but it doesn't seem to be happening just now and my brain has turned to mush. To add to this, I know that there has been an issue with W10 1909 recently that's screwed up Search. It's not an immediate problem because Lookeen works superbly for Outlook where 90% of my off-the-web searches take place and I'm a retired guy in rural France with more important issues that should be occupying my time (or so my wife tells me!) but my natural curiosity bugs me to solve it.

So one for another day......... But I've reinstalled MB4 and excluded Casper and I'll come back on those issues if they reoccur. And look further at Windows search later and report back.

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24 minutes ago, TempLost said:

I've got loads of history in PST files and Windows search, certainly in W7,  would pull stuff out

Since you use 2010, It "might" just be another way to urge users move to the newer versions of  Office/Outlook for search to work. It would not surprise me if that is the case. Never needed to think about it.


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