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Restoring brain functions after death - study


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Some brain functions may be restored after death, pig study suggests

A team of researchers has restored some brain functions in pigs that died 4 hours earlier. The findings challenge preexisting notions of postmortem brain functionality and open up new possibilities for studying the human brain.


Furthermore, the BrainEx system may one day allow doctors to reduce brain damage and restore brain function after stroke.

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Shades of George Orwell in sman's title there. :o

Off topic but - It does give me a paraphrased slogan for the current  UK elections (adapt it for your own country).

"All pigs are equal, but some  government pigs think they are more equal than the rest of us".

Edited by nukecad
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Now what do you say of this?

Scientists Achieve Breakthrough on Path to Pig-to-Human Heart Transplants


Although 54 percent of adults in the United States have registered as organ donors, just one in three people die in a way that allows for organ donation. That leaves more than 100,000 people in the United States waiting for a transplant. Many will die waiting.

Because demand for organs outpaces supply and probably always will, researchers have looked to xenotransplantation — placing animal organs into human bodies — as an alternative. However, getting to the point where xenotransplantation is safe enough for trials in humans has been a challenge because so many complications can occur. Now, a breakthrough by a group of researchers brings us one step closer to a day when organ shortages are a thing of the past.

A research team led by Bruno Reichart at the University of Munich in Germany has developed a technique allowing baboons to survive significantly longer than ever before with transplanted pig hearts. Figuring out how to safely xenotransplant hearts is an important area of study because of skyrocketing rates of heart problems, the researchers said.

Pig With Doctor

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Success for pig-to-baboon heart transplants

Of the five baboons, one developed complications and was euthanized after 51 days. Two lived healthily for three months — the original designated endpoint of the experiment. The remaining two were allowed to survive for just over six months, before being euthanized.

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In recent years, the United States has been either the world's largest or second largest exporter of pork and pork products, with exports averaging over 20 percent of commercial pork production in most years. 

China is the No. 2 buyer of U.S. pork. In 2017, it imported $1.07 billion worth of pork meat, based on U.S. government data compiled by the U.S. Meat Export Federation.

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7 hours ago, Pierre75 said:

Plenty of pigs available from China. Sorry could not resist this.  🤣🤣

Actually they have a chronic pig shortage at the moment, African Swine Fever has wiped out up to half of their pig population.


Edited by nukecad
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