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Lifetime license from Cleverbridge not activating

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1/24/13 I purchased Malwarebytes through Cleverbridge. It was a lifetime license.  1 license for 3 PCs was the deal.  This worked fine for years.

On 10/24/17 I replaced the hard drive on one of my computers and had to submit a ticket with proof of purchase so they could reset my account and I could download the program for the new hard drive.  It was the same computer with a new hard drive so it showed too many volumes and thus the reset was necessary.

Now all of a sudden, I still have 3 computers but am only allowed the Premium on one.  I submitted a ticket.  Will they still honor my original purchase with Cleverbrige and do the reset so I can download the Premium on 3 computers?




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  • AdvancedSetup changed the title to Lifetime license from Cleverbridge not activating
37 minutes ago, GeorgeH75 said:

I purchased Malwarebytes through Cleverbridge. It was a lifetime license.  1 license for 3 PCs was the deal. 

Cleverbridge is just a payment processor. What website did you buy the license from? At least one of the sites that was selling "3pc" falsely uses cleverbridge as thier payment processor.

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I can't tell what the website was.  I used PayPal and they listed the seller as Cleverbridge, Inc.  In any case, Malwarebytes honored the payment and issued the downloads for 3 computers.  If the licenses were false and they only sold 1 license for 1 machine why didn't tell me so I could get a refund, instead they wait until over 6 years later.  Did Malwarebytes ever use authorized resellers for their product?

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1 minute ago, GeorgeH75 said:

Did Malwarebytes ever use authorized resellers for their product?

Yes, I am one for example and have been one since about 2009 . But I knew they were for ONE computer per license and sold them accordingly. Many sites were misrepresenting the license to be good on 3 computers.


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  • Root Admin

Hello @GeorgeH75

I just did a look up on your purchase that you submitted in 2017 - you should get an email of that from cleverbridge if you purchased using the same email address as you've used on the forums. Can you please send me that information in a private message.

Thank you



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  • Root Admin

Please send me the PDF attachment in a PRIVATE MESSAGE. Please never post private information in public on the forum.

I don't need the numbers. I need to get the actual PDF they sent you please, or a link to the PDF from cleverbridge in private message.

Thank you



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