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Lifetime licence issue - Ario

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To Ario:

a ) Stick with the Support ticket.   Do have patience.  On the 4th of July holiday, Support staffing will be reduced due to the holiday in US.

The rest of this below is some curiosity & potential other tips.

b) What does the program itself show as to license status:  Start Malwarebytes >> Settings >> click "Account Details " tab

what does it say for Edition ?     & what does it says for Status ?

c ]

Have you tried to login to MyAccount and see what it shows for your license ?

Assuming you bought licenses directly from Malwarebytes, you would have supplied a Email at the original purchase.

That same email is what you should use to login to Malwarebytes MyAccount.


If you have misplaced or do not have the password for that login, use the blue "Forgot password" link.

Keep in mind that the Email has to be valid and active.

[ d ]

Is there just one Windows machine only that used this same license ?

[ E ]

It would be interesting to see the last Malwarebytes setup log.   See this help article  https://support.malwarebytes.com/docs/DOC-2396

Get, save, then run the Support tool.   When all done, Attach the mbst-grab-results.zip to this case with your Reply.


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  • Root Admin

Hello @Ario and :welcome:

If you've not already done so I would suggest following the advice from @Maurice Naggar and once the program is working, ensure you add your license information to your My Account page. Then in the future if anything happens you'll be able to manage it on your own.


Find my premium license key

Create your My Account profile

Once setup is complete, you are logged into My Account, where you can:

    manage your subscriptions
    view your order history
    retrieve your license keys
    deactivate your licenses
    download the latest Malwarebytes software
    update your billing information

Your My Account profile only shows purchases registered to your login email.  You must set up a new My Account login for each email address you have registered with Malwarebytes.

My Account Login Page

Contact Malwarebytes Support


If you do need additional help please let us know and we'll be more than happy to assist you.

Thank you



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Hi guys, Thanks,

I lodged a ticket last night and with it I submitted the 'mbst-grab-results.zip' from running 'mb-support-' as well as my original proof of purchase invoice.

I'm happy to wait for the ticket to progress through the queue.


The error shown is: 'The usage level has exceeded the maximum installations allowed...'

I've tried to de-activate, but to do that meant I had to register my license, created this account (Not sure if I had one previously).

Upon trying to do that it says 'The product key you are trying to use is already registered.'.


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Hi Ario,

When you see " 'The product key you are trying to use is already registered.'. "

you need help from Support to get that sorted out.  In my experience, that usually involves the issue of having had a original purchase Email being present on MyAccount,  and at some later time, someone has got a different Email address.

As to your current situation now, if your Malwarebytes program shows the status "Trial or premium Trial"   then the pc has the same protection as the Premium.


If you have more than one Windows machine, take an inventory of each one.  See how many are using the same set ID - License Key (s).

Malwarebytes >> Settings >> Account Details.    write them down for your own benefit.

Keep in mind there are subscription licenses & there are the old PRO Lifetime licenses.

Subscription licenses can have one seat for activation.  Or more, as long as you subscribed to that.

a PRO lifetime license is just only for one Windows machine.

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  • Root Admin

Hello @Ario

No problem. I've moved your replies to your topic.

I looked up your support ticket and all looks okay for them to assist you. The only odd issue is that the license is about a year after we stopped selling lifetime licenses, but since it is from cleverbridge there shouldn't be an issue. Once you get it all resolved please make sure the support agent helps you get My Account setup so that in the future if there are any issues you'll be able to manage it on your own without contacting support.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Ron,

I have tried going through the ticket system (now closed because I wasn't able to reply quick enough).

Initially I emailed the ticket system further proof of purchase, credit card statement with charges from Cleverbridge.
I also asked Cleverbridge who supplied me a reference number and a link that displays my purchase with ID and key in their system (I will not post link).

After some back and forth emails over the last several weeks with ticket support, Rose advised me that she is unable
to make account changes as my ID and key got registered to someone else's email (I have their email on hand also, but will not post).

However, Rose said she can offer me a 1year subscription for free instead.


I would prefer to keep the lifetime license and am more then happy to supply the last few bits of information / details I have, but my reply may be delayed,
as sometimes due to where I'm stationed I may not have internet access.

Please help if possible.

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