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Linux Malwarebytes --- Petition --- We like to buy it tomorrow.

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This has been requested quite a few times, but it would take significant time and resources to develop due to how different Windows and Linux are on a fundamental level, not only in how they work but also in what kind of threats to look out for. They know that people want it, and they know that it's actually needed due to the continually changing infosec landscape, but they make it a policy to not talk about anything they are working on until it's nearly ready for deployment.

In short... If they are working on Malwarebytes for Linux, they won't tell us until they're almost done. They don't want to get people's hopes up in case  something doesn't pan out.

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  • Root Admin

Linux has an extremely small threat vector compared to Windows. Many users on Linux want and expect almost everything to be free so that too makes it difficult to sell. I know we've looked at this a few times but when or if it will come I'm not sure.

As for switching out Windows users to Linux I've already had some failures and had to put people back onto Windows. Even myself I'd love to switch over but my hardware is too new and generates kernel errors that I'm just not up to spending the time to work on to get fixed. I'm sure that more than likely it will all be fixed up and resolved by this coming year and if so then I do plan to switch over to Linux as well. I use to be a Unix admin almost 30 years ago but switched over to Windows and haven't really looked back since but the new Windows 10 sure has enough annoyances to push even a patient person over the edge.

Hang in there though and hopefully a beta for Linux will come out.


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