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Please remove rileyaanestad.com from blacklist


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I'm posting this again because I haven't seen any action taken yet. And the person who "answered" my last post locked it from replies, so here we go again.


The server that rileyaanestad.com was hosted on was (at one point) suddenly infected with malware through a WordPress instance. We worked quickly to diffuse the issue -  the server was dismantled and the problem is contained.


The domain name currently is parked on my server, part of a larger site witch is not infected or vulnerable. However, Malwarebytes still sees the site as a threat, which is incorrect.


Please whitelist rileyaanestad.com.




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That's not true! It's a new server with a clean installation of Apache/PHP. What other information are you gathering, or is this third party site your only source of truth?


Please gather facts before making accusations. Let me know what you need, but don't make accusations based on gathering one source of information.

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I realize it's frustrating to regain your reputation after such incidents, but it's always been a situation where you must prove to each of those scanners that you've recovered from it. There are six or seven sources of information posted there, not just one.

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Rakeshsejwal and Alvarnell,

You didn't answer my question. The fact that you only used one source and can't squarely answer my question is the frustrating part. So I'll ask again. What other information are you gathering? How can you prove that my server is contaminated with such malware? Where is the evidence?

I'll reiterate again. This server is a new AWS instance. A clean installation of Apache/PHP. There is no malware. Give me a chance to prove that, and let me know (either here publicly, or privately). I'm telling you - your company is wrong in your assessment. My server is clean.

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On 4/14/2019 at 1:21 AM, Dashke said:

Hi Josh,

We are not detecting this domain.

Block has been removed on 2019-03-26.

Here's another tidbit from this very forum conversation. Another one of your staff (who originally handled this issue) already removed the block on March 26th and redirected this conversation here:

On 4/14/2019 at 9:12 AM, Dashke said:

Ah, this is regarding browser extension. :)

Will move the topic to the appropriate forum.

So, what that tells me is that the domain was already vindicated anyway, but perhaps your beta plugin isn't accurate. See the screenshot earlier in this thread for context.


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I'm just a happy user here and clearly don't speak for the Company here, just trying to help focus your attention. 

The browser extension being used here is still in beta testing and therefore being used by a very small number of us. Those other companies have orders of magnitude more users and are a respected source of information to the entire anti-malware community. I feel confident that once you clear things up with them, you'll have no problem here.

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5 minutes ago, jlr2k8 said:

Here's another tidbit from this very forum conversation. Another one of your staff (who originally handled this issue) already removed the block on March 26th and redirected this conversation here

You were cleared for a different piece of software before, because you posted to the forum for that team. As mentioned, the issue is with the Chrome browser extension in beta test, so must be managed by that team.

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In that case, hopefully someone manages it then. I'm not sure what the disconnect is here. I first came to this forum and patiently asked for something incorrect on Malwarebyte's end to be corrected. And here we are today and it's still not fixed. What gives?


Also, how does it make sense that the extension version is using a different source of information than the normal app version of Malwarebytes. Shouldn't those two versions be looking at the same database? The app version says the domain is clean, while the extension says it's malicious. Seems like some major oversight here, including the fact that still no one has answered these questions:


22 hours ago, jlr2k8 said:

You didn't answer my question. The fact that you only used one source and can't squarely answer my question is the frustrating part. So I'll ask again. What other information are you gathering? How can you prove that my server is contaminated with such malware? Where is the evidence?


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