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Changing MBAM font


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There's no reason that I should actually be doing this, but just for the sake of experimentation, I'd like to see if it's possible to change the font used by MalwareBytes to something else. Does anyone know where I should start, and/or what could go wrong if I were to actually do this?

I'm thinking that for my first experiment, I'm going to try using a Raster typeface, similar to what the Windows Command Prompt uses. I was actually inspired to give this a shot because of rendering glitches that first occurred on a system using GDIPP, where some of the text in MalwareBytes became unreadable.

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Unfortunately I doubt that you can.  Malwarebytes uses QT for the vast majority of its codebase/UI, and I suspect the font and other UI elements are locked within the code and I've discovered no specific fonts or font settings anywhere for it.

That said, if you could post some details and images of the issues you're seeing, I'd like to report the issue to the Devs as they may be able to fix it.

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I have since delivered the system in question to my relative, with GDIPP disabled. However, I can install GDIPP on my current system and run some tests. I think it's more of an issue with GDIPP than with MalwareBytes though, because there are other apps which are negatively impacted by the different font rendering. It's possible that this is on a per-font basis.

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It may also be using system fonts, which can be changed, though some of them can be tricky as some are hard coded and must be modified via more advanced theming tools/system file modification tools (hex editors, style builders etc.).  That's not true of all of them though, but I suspect they are probably just using an embedded font or that the setting to indicate the font for Malwarebytes is hard coded into the application somewhere like in one or more of its exe(s)/DLL(s).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry, it took me a while to see your response. Maybe one of these days, I'll get around to figuring out how to actually modify the Malwarebytes GUI. Being Anti-Malware software, I naturally suspect that doing so would be fairly difficult by design. If I am somehow able to change the typeface used by the software without rendering it completely unusuable (which is unlikely to happen), I'll definitely post some screenshots, and perhaps even upload the fonts I use (in a password-protected 7-zip archive) in case any of the Malwarebytes developers want to try implementing the fonts themselves.

Alternatively, I could probably just take screenshots of the application and produce mockup-screenshots using an image editor. That'd be much less work, I suspect.

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  • 1 month later...

Well, VR Headsets could hypothetically be used to simulate various visual impairments...

Personally though, I have the opposite problem: I really dislike when developers keep increasing the font size in a program that I use regularly without giving me any option to change it back. Since I frequently need to multi-task while still maintaining my privacy in a busy household, I usually have very limited screen real estate. It's even worse on mobile devices.

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As far as I know, Malwarebytes does scale its text with the Windows DPI settings so you should be able to change your system DPI setting and have the text in Malwarebytes resize accordingly, though I don't know if there are any issues with cutoff or overlapping text etc. as there have been in the past (I believe they corrected most or all of those issues by now, but you'd have to test to know for certain).

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  • 2 months later...

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