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InstallShield Virus keeps on coming back

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Okay I just scanned and the scan worked, but it still has uncovered no threats. I am also running in safe mode again because I cannot run it in normal mode as I said. I really dont know why it cannot identify it as a threat even though malwarebytes blocks the pop ups from opening and proceeds to tell me what program opened the pop up:( I am starting to lose hope...

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Is this the block you're seeing?

               "url" : "pool.monero.hashvault.pro"


Open Malwarebytes > History > Application Logs
Double Click the **Protection log** to open it
On the lower left select **Export** > Export to Text

Save as mbamscan and Save it to your desktop
Attach the mbamscan text file in your next reply.

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Okay thank you

Also I have deleted the installshield folder while I am in Safe Mode and they dont seem to have come back yet, but I feel like it will most likely come back when I boot back into normal mode. But also thank you for the help so far. Even though I still have a virus, i'm glad you're spending a ton of your time helping me 

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I have attached A file I need you to download and save it to the same place that you saved the FRST program

This fix will include removing temp files and emptying the Recycle Bin.

Download attached **fixlist.txt** and save it to same location where the FRST tool is located.

NOTE: Both FRST.exe and the fixlist.txt must be in the same location or the fix will not work.
Close all browsers before running.

Double click FRST to run the tool. If the tool warns you the version is outdated, please download and run the updated version.
 •Click the **Fix Button**.
•If you receive a message that a reboot is required, please make sure you allow it to restart normally.

•The tool will complete its run after restart.

When finished, the tool will make a log (Fixlog.txt) in the same location from where it was run. Please attach the Fixlog.txt in your reply.

Restart the pc and let me know how it's running now.


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I think you may have done it.... The setup.exe is no longer running in Task Manager and the installshield folder isnt there anymore... I am so so so so grateful... I cant put into words how much you have saved me....

One final thing though. Is Malwarebytes supposed to use a lot of CPU? My CPU percentage seems to be higher since I installed it. Also is it okay to delete FRST etc now?



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Yes you can now delete all the FRST items.

I'm happy to have helped and glad this is resolved. As there are no other issues which need addressing we can now close this ticket.

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Follow-up Reading

Cryptolocker Ransomware: What You Need To Know
Scams: Tech Support Scams 
PC Safety: Seven tips to keep your PC safe


Thank you for choosing Malwarebytes
Peace Be With You

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Glad we could help.

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