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Slowing iPhone down


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I've been very happy with Malwarebytes on my windows machines and have been a happy premium beta tester on my iPhone X.  In the last few days, though, I've found that it is really slowing my phone down when going on the internet or using email via an exchange server.  When I turn Malwarebytes off, the phone is very fast again, when I turn Malwarebytes back on it is very slow again.  Before I turned off Malwaresbyte, I did all kinds of things to test the iphone speed out: redoing internet settings, reinstalling settings, getting rid of the Safari cache, hard resetting of the phone turning off Java.  All the stuff that is suggested on the various internet boards to cure slow iphones, etc., etc.  I spent a lot of time trying to figure things out.  The only thing I didn't do was a factory reset.  And I haven't deleted and reinstalled Malwarebytes as I'm afraid the beta test version I have won't reinstall.  Ideas of why the slowdown?

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  • Staff

I moved this topic to the beta forum. There have been some issues with the backend server for the Advanced Web Protection in the beta. We're working on fixing that, but in the meantime, for the time being, turn that feature off and use the basic Web Protection feature instead.

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One possible workaround: Implementing a "smart" mode, where Advanced Web Protection automatically disables itself when the standard Web Protection is sufficient. IE; when you're not doing anything network-based outside of Safari, and/or already have a separate VPN in use for basic privacy. Alternatively, you could also authorize certain anonymous providers to host secondary Malwarebytes servers to spread the load and help reduce latency for foreign users.

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Yes, i had same problem... thought it was cellular or wifi speed or dns ... tried all sort of diagnostics using an android and ipad to compare speeds.. definitely the iphone where i had malwarebytes installed

then found this through google search...

turning off the advanced web protection was huge change. Turned on the other web protection and that was fine.

glad i found this!!

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