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Malwarebytes taking way too much memory


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10 minutes ago, juhajek said:

Add one more to this list. This morning I noticed a problem with my web protection, and suddenly my computer slowed to a crawl. Had to post here on my cell because as I was attempting to disable Malwarebytes, my computer crashed.

Exact same problem here just noticed.  Like the guy said above.... someone clearly screwed the pooch just now with an update or the server.  No web protection and infinite memory eating.  Cant turn it off it wants to keep restarting.  Needs a hotfix asap

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I would look to the recent Microsoft Fall Creator's Update.  I have had several, formerly well tolerated, applications and programs go haywire since this Microsoft Windows 10 update was installed last week.  Additionally, I know they know they have a problem as almost on a daily basis I find they have overlaid a new OS Build. Last week I was at Version 1709 OS Build 16299.65, then it went to Build 16299.125 and today it was up to Build 16299.192.  I fully expect it to be something else by the first of the week.  Malwarebytes techies need to bitch at Microsoft in a noisy way cuz I'll bet they are the problem here.  

By the way same issue, suddenly my machine really, really slowed down and Malware Bytes was using 97% of 32 gigs of memory and about 80% of CPU resources and aa couple of gigs of disk.

Good luck finding it, in the meantime I have gone bare from MB till it is fixed.

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4 hours ago, Billo said:

Good luck finding it, in the meantime I have gone bare from MB till it is fixed.

We're sorry you had issues with our program today. We've addressed the issue and here's what you need to do to fix it.

*** How to resolve / verify you have the fixed update package ***

Malwarebytes 3

Update package version 1.0.3803 (Malwarebytes 3) or v2018.01.27.12 (Malwarebytes 2.x) or higher contains the fix

  1. Open Malwarebytes
  2. Turn OFF web protection by Clicking on “settings”, click to turn web protection OFF
  3. Under Scan Status (right side), click next to “Updates” to have Malwarebytes download the latest database
  4. Restart PC (Note it may take up to 2 restarts after the update to stabilize the system)

To confirm that you are on the latest database please follow the steps below:

  1. Open Malwarebytes
  2. Click on Settings
  3. Click on the About tab
  4. Next to “Update package version” if you see version 1.0.3803 or higher you are on the latest database which addresses the issue.

To learn more about what happened, please go here:

If you continue to have issues or experience new ones, please start a new thread and we'll happily look into that for you.

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