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ERROR LicensePipe


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Dear all,

I already created a Case with Malwarebytes. However I wanted to know if somebody else also experience the problem, that the event log (application) got flooded by an "ERROR LicensePipe" Error which is logged every milisecond.

Maybe somebody found a way to fix that? It really happens on ALL CLIENTS in absolutely different environments, so I can't imagine I'm the only one with this problem.

I also started to think if this is a language problem? All my clients are german windows.



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Case is still pending. They told me today I should get a response this week. But I'm REALLY GLAD that somebody else got that problem to! Luckily our Servers and Clients don't seem to care about this error, but still it's very annoying.

By any chance, are you using another language than English OS? That's the only thing at the moment I could imagine, as all my clients and servers are german.

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In our case it breaks everything, which is bad. 

We are using Norwegian as our language, and we have thought the same. It has happened with other software before, e.g a program looking for "Administrators", but in Norwegian that would be "Administratorer". I guess the case would be the same for other languages like German.

I have not gotten a timeframe for a fix yet, but they tell me the Cloud team is working on it. I will update this thread when I have more info.

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2 hours ago, AndersVogt said:

In our case it breaks everything, which is bad. 

We are using Norwegian as our language, and we have thought the same. It has happened with other software before, e.g a program looking for "Administrators", but in Norwegian that would be "Administratorer". I guess the case would be the same for other languages like German.

I have not gotten a timeframe for a fix yet, but they tell me the Cloud team is working on it. I will update this thread when I have more info.

Good point with that. But did you made the needed exclusions for your servers? Have you deactivated the Ransomware part and maybe the webfiltering? I always do this because this can make a mess.

I ask because I don't have any issues except the log flooding. ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...
45 minutes ago, AndersVogt said:

For anyone else experiencing these issues, Malwarebytes are reporting that the root cause has been found and that it will be fixed in and upcoming update. 

Update is expected to be ready soon.

By end of Q4? Like the fixes to all the other problems they say they have fixed in an upcoming patch?

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