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Strange behavior

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MWB premium. Was browsing MSN articles this a.m. Suddenly, the screen looked transparent - stalled briefly - turned to black and displayed a small msg  box- about 4 inches by 4 inches. Full of small writing the first line of which said, "an error with your system has been detected ... blah blah blah. The screen shut down very quickly so that was all I could read. Thought I was in for a malware attack but now I'm back up and running - all seems fine.  Ran a threat scan and nothing came up. Any thoughts. 

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Update sept 14 - same thing happened again this morning. On MSN site - shut itself down after blue box.  Started up and after a windows repair attempt which came up on its own, shut it down as it wasn't seeming to do anything. When I started up again, all was working. I guess this is a bsod so I'm going to have to research this and see how to prevent them. Grrrrr. 

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Maybe the updates did something. I put 3 on yesterday afternoon. This a.m. the shutdown occurred and system balked at going back to work.   Windows forum guy recommends that I run a mwb scan in safe mode. I ran a scan in normal fashion and it came up with nothing. Do you think a scan in safe mode a good idea? Thanks again.


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Don't recall. if that is something I have to select rather than an automatic option, probably not. Would probably be a good idea to do the rootkit thing tho...when I get back on desktop I will do it. MWB is doing a good job protecting my system. Just don't know how to prevent this stuff from happening. So, the MSN site has some embedded malware that I'm picking up?

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