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Can someone please help me. I'm in an ongoing war against some sort of malware that keeps redirecting me to different sites. Im also getting a pop-up saying microsoft needs my permision to instal online securty. When i go to instal malwarebytes it instals perfectly but when i go to execute mbam absolutely nothing happens. About a month ago my system got infected with system security 2009 and after getting frustrated trying to remove it i ended up reformating and starting over. PLEASE help me! My OS is XP Pro version 2002 SP3.

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Thank u so much for your help. When i changed mbam.exe to winlogon.exe malwarebytes started right up. After i ran the cleaner and deleted the infections it found i tried to change the executable file for malwarebytes back to mbam.exe out of curiosity just to see if it would start under that name, and it failed to start. Any ideas on why it still want execute as mbam? Is this a problem? Am i still infected? Thank you again so much for your help, malwarebytes solved my problem of being redirected to rouge sites.


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Thank u so much for your help. When i changed mbam.exe to winlogon.exe malwarebytes started right up. After i ran the cleaner and deleted the infections it found i tried to change the executable file for malwarebytes back to mbam.exe out of curiosity just to see if it would start under that name, and it failed to start. Any ideas on why it still want execute as mbam? Is this a problem? Am i still infected? Thank you again so much for your help, malwarebytes solved my problem of being redirected to rouge sites.


When I try to rename the mbam.exe file i get a messgae that I don't haev permission to change

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