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Malwarebytes 3.0.6 CU4 -- BETA Preview install results

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I downloaded this new beta and installed over my latest version (after it had been cleanly installed by using mbam-clean tool) that was having an issue with IP block notifications not working.  Also going to http://iptest.malwarebytes.org/ was not generating a block message and I was getting a page can not be displayed message.

After the install of the new BETA I was asked that a reboot was required. After the reboot MB3 finally came up but was greeted with a message that Real-Time Protections layers were turned off. The protection that failed was Exploit protection was OFF.

Went to turn it ON and it is stuck at Starting....

Your fix is not working in this beta...

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1 hour ago, Firefox said:

I downloaded this new beta and installed over my latest version (after it had been cleanly installed by using mbam-clean tool) that was having an issue with IP block notifications not working.  Also going to http://iptest.malwarebytes.org/ was not generating a block message and I was getting a page can not be displayed message.

After the install of the new BETA I was asked that a reboot was required. After the reboot MB3 finally came up but was greeted with a message that Real-Time Protections layers were turned off. The protection that failed was Exploit protection was OFF.

Went to turn it ON and it is stuck at Starting....

Your fix is not working in this beta...

I did what they advised and uninstalled MBAM before getting the new download.

I was not asked for a restart after the uninstall, but during the install of the newer build.

All my protections were on when the install was done.

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Thanks for the comments... I was testing like what most users will do.  Most users will just install the new versions over their existing versions.  I encounter the issues above so I merely reported them so staff knows about what occurred.

I have it running now, simply did a clean re-install of the latest beta CU4 and all seems well at the moment.

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