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After update, BSOD happens frequently. I had malwarebytes and anti exploit separate before this update. If I turn off this new version of malwarebytes off, pc runs fine. PC was running well until this update. I did a few checks on crash dumps and shows tcipip.sys and mwac.sys as the reason for the BSOD. If i launch browser (chrome) when malwarebytes is on, blue screen follows shortly.

I replicated these results several times, even uninstalled and reinstalled options. 





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1 hour ago, mandingo823 said:

May revert back to 2.X until a fix is available

If you do don't for get to deactivate your license before you do. You also have the option of turning off Web protection in the mean time. there is possible fix due out sometime next month. At least that is what has been posted in another topic. :)

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3 minutes ago, mandingo823 said:

So I installed CU4. BSOD appears to have stopped so far. Only bug Im encountering is that the exploit feature doesnt turn on automatically. I shut down MBytes to test several times and exploit is off. Manually turning it on

If you have an earlier version of Malwarebytes 3.0 installed, please uninstall it first and then install this new version.  Typically with these "bundled" installers for testing a clean install seems to work best.

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Just now, Porthos said:

If you have an earlier version of Malwarebytes 3.0 installed, please uninstall it first and then install this new version.  Typically with these "bundled" installers for testing a clean install seems to work best.

Clean install was performed. All data was removed from pc before installing CU4

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Hello dcollins and others ones guys.  I have exactly the same problem that Mandinfo823 have. In one (Just one) BSOD that I had, it showed to me that the problem apparently it is happening with some usb***.sys driver (Sorry I did not have time to write the full name of the driver). But the problem increment exponentially when you run Google Chrome.  I am a regular user (not a techy one) and I dont know what is CU4 and where I could find IT. In my Malwarebytes 3.0 premium software I am not able to activate the anti exploit protection. It is normal ?  It is related to windows defender?


Your help will be appreciatte.  Thank you.

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