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I've frequently had the Real Time Protection Layer warning and usually reinstalling Malwarebytes fixes it. But I'm tired of reinstalling Malwarebytes 3.0

After the Windows 10 update yesterday Malwarebytes gives the warning but this time it's the Ransomware Layer won't start.


Windows 10 (Windows Defender is off because it flat doesn't work)

Kaspersky Internet Security

Malwarebytes Version

Any ideas or will an update fix it?



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Hello @Technicalpep:

Have mutual file or folder exclusions been entered into Malwarebytes 3.0 (MB3) and Kaspersky Internet Security?

Before valuable troubleshooting data is accidently lost, please use the guidelines from Having problems using Malwarebytes? Please follow these steps: and post in a reply to this topic for devs/staffers to analyze.

Also, please consider left-clicking the "Follow" button, near the upper-right corner of your topic, to receive timely email notifications about updates to your topic.

Thank you.

Edited by 1PW
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4 hours ago, 1PW said:

Hello @Technicalpep:

Have mutual file or folder exclusions been entered into Malwarebytes 3.0 (MB3) and Kaspersky Internet Security?

Before valuable troubleshooting data is accidently lost, please use the guidelines from Having problems using Malwarebytes? Please follow these steps: and post in a reply to this topic for devs/staffers to analyze.

Also, please consider left-clicking the "Follow" button, near the upper-right corner of your topic, to receive timely email notifications about updates to your topic.

Thank you.

Thanks @1PW

I think I just fixed it. It's been going on the past couple of days.

I disabled Kaspersky Protection and my VPN which did nothing.

I cleaned it with Ccleaner (again) and restarted it again.

Then I was checking for exclusions as you suggested and saw the "Privacy Cleaner" in Kaspersky, ran that and restarted and my Malwarebytes protection is all on and all good now. I had no exclusions set in either program.


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