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Good morning. @TheDude23112 I'm looking through your logs now. If possible, can you also please grab your mbamservice logs folder?

  1. Navigate to C:\ProgramData\Malwarebytes\mbamservice
    • The ProgramData folder may be hidden, so you'll need to type the path in manually or turn on showing hidden folders/files
  2. Right click the logs folder and choose Send to -> Compressed (Zipped) folder
  3. This should create a zip file on your desktop named logs.zip. Please upload that file in your reply
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56 minutes ago, dcollins said:

Good morning. @TheDude23112 I'm looking through your logs now. If possible, can you also please grab your mbamservice logs folder?

  1. Navigate to C:\ProgramData\Malwarebytes\mbamservice
    • The ProgramData folder may be hidden, so you'll need to type the path in manually or turn on showing hidden folders/files
  2. Right click the logs folder and choose Send to -> Compressed (Zipped) folder
  3. This should create a zip file on your desktop named logs.zip. Please upload that file in your reply

I'm pretty sure they were in the zip I sent.


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Hi, I am following this thread with interest as I have exactly the same problem which started a couple of weeks ago and in my case the problem occurs after every reboot. When it first started, I could not turn exploit protection on as it would go to "starting" and just hang there seemingly forever, now at least I can turn it on from the pop up. On searching the forum for "exploit protection" it appears from the significant number of threads about this that it is an ongoing and common problem. I am surprised that as a paid for application, there appears no easy to follow resolution to this problem. Apart from this increasingly annoying glitch, I am very happy with MB.

Edited by jangarrack
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I've been having the same problem too.

Every time I start my computer there's the little red X on Malwarebytes v3.0.6.1469 and if I try to start Exploit Protection it says starting but never starts.

When I got the first update to v3 it started ok but over the past couple of weeks, maybe longer, it won't start when I open Windows and it won't start when I tell it to in the UI.

Could someone please fix this 'cos it's really annoying that I paid good money for something and it won't do what it's supposed to, as in protecting me.

And before you tell me I've done everything that people have suggested be done as in clearing MB from computer and reinstalling, although this time when I reinstalled it worked for the first few minutes and then turned itself off.

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What you need to watch are the sticky threads in this forum. A new updated version was pre released Friday.

Lets start here

Disable self-protection If possible.

Deactivate  Malwarebytes.

Close all open browsers so MB can hook and un hook it self during uninstall and install. Note If using Chrome, by default it keeps parts running in the background even after you close it. Check task manager to verify.

Run regular uninstall process. Control panel.


Use Mb- clean tool see below.


Install MB- get updates only see below


Reboot again just to make sure everything sets correctly.

Activate MB

Set your schedules and exclusions. and run first scan.


Exclude these in your Anti-virus exclusion settings and IF you are using any Firewall other the built in one be sure to allow Malwarebytes  complete access.



C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes\Anti-Malware\MbamPt.exe
C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes\Anti-Malware\mbam.exe
C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes\Anti-Malware\assistant.exe
C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes\Anti-Malware\MBAMWsc.exe
C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes\Anti-Malware\mbamtray.exe
C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes\Anti-Malware\MBAMService.exe

If that does not fix things

Please read the following and attach to your next reply the 4 requested logs - Diagnostic Logs (the 4 logs are: mbam logs zipped, FRST.txt, Addition.txt and mb-checkResult.txt)


Edited by Porthos
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  • 2 weeks later...

I was just about come back to this and find this morning that the problem has actually resolved itself without any further intervention from me.  I did add the antivirus exclusions as instructed above, but it did not cure the problem, so I'm pleasantly surprised now that MB is starting ok again with exploit protection enabled. I am guessing this would be due to an update, but correct me if I am wrong. I will update this thread if the problem reoccurs.

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5 hours ago, jangarrack said:

I was just about come back to this and find this morning that the problem has actually resolved itself without any further intervention from me.  I did add the antivirus exclusions as instructed above, but it did not cure the problem, so I'm pleasantly surprised now that MB is starting ok again with exploit protection enabled. I am guessing this would be due to an update, but correct me if I am wrong. I will update this thread if the problem reoccurs.

Can you tell us what version is installed on your computer? Settings -> About (it should match the image below if its the latest version which is Malwarebytes 3.0.6 CU4 (Latest version).


latest version.jpg

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Malwarebytes version

Component package version 1.0.103

Update package version 1.0.1748

Malwarebytes is still starting ok but I notice I always have the red x on the icon for about 1 minute until all 4 real-time protections start up and exploit protection is always seems to be the last. That may well be normal and it has possibly always been like that, but I had not noticed. It's certainly not a problem now as at least it always starts fully after a few moments and the red x disappears.

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